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Re-design the message box #22

Closed seanjiang86 closed 10 years ago

seanjiang86 commented 10 years ago

Now treat message box as a center for people feel interested in a particular ride. Note that the essense of a ride is people want move from place A to place B at particular time. -- For each ride, add field that tracks all related user and related message. Owner is the creator of the ride. -- For each message in persistent storage, add field that accociated a particular ride/recordID. In runtime, could use hashtable(Int recordID,List) data sturcture. The List of Message and owner/participant is load to the messageBox instance during initialize. Specific messageBox UI is load from the message Box instance. Multiple user share the same instance throught passive refresh method.

seanjiang86 commented 10 years ago

Message Center is ready. Later issue comes as enhancment. (Schedule, middle point, converge map, etc...)