linnarsson-lab / loom-viewer

Tool for sharing, browsing and visualizing single-cell data stored in the Loom file format
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Getting `loom` to work from the Windows command line #139

Closed JobLeonard closed 6 years ago

JobLeonard commented 6 years ago

It would be great if we could avoid requiring Windows users to compile everything from source.

JobLeonard commented 6 years ago

This should remove the need for anaconda in the path, but still requires compilation:

set anaconda_path="conda info --root"
%anaconda_path%\python.exe .\python\loom_viewer\loom %*
JobLeonard commented 6 years ago

So the problem may be that Anaconda does not include pylauncher on windows:

It can be installed separately:

This may remove the need for a loom.bat file, and also make loom-viewer pip-installable. Will test tonight (when I get home and have access to my Windows machine)

JobLeonard commented 6 years ago

Ok, so after looking ta this some more I think I finally have figured out two overlapping problems are, and how to fix it by doing something different altogether:

  1. The Anaconda installation of Python does not include the pylauncher
  2. As part of the installation of Anaconda, it adds itself to the path. Assuming it is the main Python installation, pip install ... saves installed python packages in C:\Anaconda3\Scripts\, including our loom file.
  3. However, since loom has no extension, even with pylauncher it doesn't work in Windows. If I rename it to and then type in the windows command line after installing pylauncher, everything works.

Plan to fix:

Since it will be installed to the Scripts folder, it should now be executable from anywhere, and without typing the full extension.

This should remove the need for compiling the loom viewer from source for windows users (and all the baggage that it brings with it)

JobLeonard commented 6 years ago

Nopenopenope, py2exe isn't the answer either. That just creates a completely standalone exe file, which would require including all SciPi dependencies. Even assuming this is possible to begin with, that's ridiculously huge.

So finally, I figured "maybe I can trick to include a loom.bat file to make everything work?", and then I discuvered this in the SetupTools documentation:

Feature highlights:

  • ...
  • Automatically generate wrapper scripts or Windows (console and GUI) .exe files for any number of “main” functions in your project. (Note: this is not a py2exe replacement; the .exe files rely on the local Python installation.)

Packaging and installing scripts can be a bit awkward with the distutils. For one thing, there’s no easy way to have a script’s filename match local conventions on both Windows and POSIX platforms. For another, you often have to create a separate file just for the “main” script, when your actual “main” is a function in a module somewhere. And even in Python 2.4, using the -m option only works for actual .py files that aren’t installed in a package.

setuptools fixes all of these problems by automatically generating scripts for you with the correct extension, and on Windows it will even create an .exe file so that users don’t have to change their PATHEXT settings. The way to use this feature is to define “entry points” in your setup script that indicate what function the generated script should import and run. For example, to create two console scripts called foo and bar, and a GUI script called baz, you might do something like this:

    # other arguments here...
        'console_scripts': [
            'foo = my_package.some_module:main_func',
            'bar = other_module:some_func',
        'gui_scripts': [
            'baz = my_package_gui:start_func',

Ok... should have looked here first I guess. Let's see if usig console_scripts does the trick

JobLeonard commented 6 years ago


Success!!!! WHOOOHOOO!!!

So once we push this to pip, we can remove the special Windows instructions.

JobLeonard commented 6 years ago

Done, and updated README while I was at it.