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Thunderbird notification co-incided with my clicking a launcher on the panel. Result: system hang. #6704

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago
 * Cinnamon 3.4.4
 * Distribution - Mint 18.2
 * Intel onboard graphics
 * 64 bit


Please see title

Steps to reproduce

It will be hard to reproduce, because the problem seemed to owe to my clicking on the (perfectly functional) launcher exactly when a notification arrived. Perhaps this situation, or a similar one, could be generated programmatically.

Expected behaviour

Other information

itzexor commented 7 years ago

I tried to reproduce this using sleep 1; notify-send "test" and clicking a panel launcher at the same time as the notification popped up. I wasn't able to reproduce it yet. Were you right clicking or left clicking the applet? Also is this the standard panel launcher applet or a third party one?

ghost commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your work, itzexor.

I left-clicked the applet, I believe.

I believe that the applet is third-party (although one cannot easily tell this from within Cinnamon - should I file a bug report for that? Certainly it is an infelicity). The applet is called 'command Launcher'. See here. I am unsure which of my two instances of that launcher that I ran. Here is what each of them does.

Command run by the first instance of command launcher applet nohup xfce4-terminal --geometry 89x25+150+85 -x /usr/bin/myScripts/Update/update &

Command run by the second instance of command launcher applet /opt/sublime_text/sublime_text -a ~/.conkyrc

itzexor commented 7 years ago

All spices extensions are third party. I was testing with the stock applet. I will try again with Command Launcher.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Thank you for investigating the Command Launcher applet.

PS: Ah, something is an extension - and thus third-party - if it appears somewhere (anywhere) on the 'spices' website. OK. Yet, not all applets are third-party. (Hence your original question.) My point was that it should be easier to tell the third-party from the inbuilt applets. Still, I suppose that lock icon in the (unlabelled) colum in the Settings -> Applets menu does give one the answer, so long as one knows how to interpret that window. But I don't want to de-rail my own bug report . .

itzexor commented 7 years ago

I agree that it is a bit confusing to figure out exactly which are standard and which are third-party.

Unfortunately, I am still unable to reproduce this issue with the method described above and using Command Launcher to launch xfce4-terminal or sublime_text. Unless you can find a related error message or something, I'm not sure that I can figure this one out.

edit: As a side note I was getting errors from the terminal and failure to launch when using the backgrounding character &: xfce4-terminal: Unknown option "&"

ghost commented 7 years ago

OK, well I'll close the issue for now and try to re-open it if the problem recurrs. If it does recur I'll note the time and investigate what my logs contain for that time.

mtwebster commented 7 years ago

FYI, stock or standard applets will have a little lock symbol on their row in cinnamon settings.

ghost commented 7 years ago

mtwebster: thanks, but I knew that already. I wrote the following above.

Still, I suppose that lock icon in the (unlabelled) colum in the Settings -> Applets menu does give one the answer, so long as one knows how to interpret that window.