linuxmint / hypnotix

An M3U IPTV Player
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Fix symlink target for irak.svg #187

Closed jonathonf closed 2 years ago

jonathonf commented 2 years ago

This is a small change that fixes the target for the iraq.svg symlink.


carpenike commented 2 years ago

Bumping this as this prevents updates to hypnotix in arch.

==> Starting build()...
Building the mo files
# WARNING: the second sed below will only works correctly with the languages that don't contain "-"
for file in `ls po/*.po`; do \
    lang=`echo $file | sed 's@po/@@' | sed 's/\.po//' | sed 's/hypnotix-//'`; \
    install -d usr/share/locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/; \
    msgfmt -o usr/share/locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/ $file; \
done \

==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
install: cannot stat 'usr/share/hypnotix/pictures/badges/irak.svg': No such file or directory
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package().
 -> error making: hypnotix-git
mtwebster commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I'm an idiot.

jonathonf commented 2 years ago

@mtwebster I think you mean "works for me". :grin: