linuxmint / xplayer

A generic Media Player
87 stars 38 forks source link

General Information

xplayer is a generic media player.


Ctrl+H: Hide/Show controls in windowed mode P, Ctrl+Space: Play/Pause Escape (in full screen mode): Switch to windowed mode Ctrl+F: Toggle full screen 0/½, 1, 2: Zoom respectively to 50%, 100% and 200% of the video's original size Left arrow: Go back 15 seconds Right arrow: Go forward 60 seconds Shift+Left arrow: Go back 5 seconds Shift+Right arrow: Go forward 15 seconds Ctrl+Left arrow: Go back 3 minutes Ctrl+Right arrow: Go forward 10 minutes Up Arrow: Increase the volume by 8% Down Arrow: Decrease the volume by 8% Keypad Up / Keypad 8: DVD Action Up Keypad Down / Keypad 2: DVD Action Down Keypad Left / Keypad 4: DVD Action Left Keypad Right / Keypad 6: DVD Action Right B, Alt+Left arrow, Minus key: Previous stream (Back) N, Alt+Right arrow, Plus key: Next stream (Next) Ctrl+Q: Quit Ctrl+R, Ctrl+T: Zoom in and zoom out, respectively Ctrl+0: Reset the zoom level Ctrl+K: Show the "Skip to" dialog Ctrl+D: Toggle drawing using Gromit Ctrl+E: Erase drawing using Gromit Mouse button 1 double-click: Toggle full screen Middle mouse button click: Play/Pause


UI help by Seth Nickell

Automatic GStreamer codec installation (optional)


To get a better debug output, run:

xplayer --debug

Or for the stand-alone applications:

gsettings set org.x.player debug true

then run your application and capture its output