Open pmff96 opened 3 years ago
Hi, I probably know how to fix this. As shown below, in the place of the cls_loss function in the original file, the definitions of cls_pc_raw and cls_aug_raw are replaced by underscores. I think just change the two underscores to the above two variable names.
def cls_loss(pred, pred_aug, gold, pc_tran, aug_tran, pc_feat, aug_feat, ispn = True):
mse_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduce=True, size_average=True)
cls_pc, _ = cal_loss_raw(pred, gold)
cls_aug, _ = cal_loss_raw(pred_aug, gold)
if ispn:
cls_pc = cls_pc + 0.001*mat_loss(pc_tran)
cls_aug = cls_aug + 0.001*mat_loss(aug_tran)
feat_diff = 10.0*mse_fn(pc_feat,aug_feat)
parameters = torch.max(torch.tensor(NUM).cuda(), torch.exp(1.0-cls_pc_raw)**2).cuda()
cls_diff = (torch.abs(cls_pc_raw - cls_aug_raw) * (parameters*2)).mean()
cls_loss = cls_pc + cls_aug + feat_diff# + cls_diff
return cls_loss
`def cls_loss(pred, pred_aug, gold, pc_tran, aug_tran, pc_feat, aug_feat, ispn = True):
mse_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduce=True, size_average=True)
cls_pc, cls_pc_raw= cal_loss_raw(pred, gold)
cls_aug, cls_aug_raw= cal_loss_raw(pred_aug, gold)
if ispn:
cls_pc = cls_pc + 0.001*mat_loss(pc_tran)
cls_aug = cls_aug + 0.001*mat_loss(aug_tran)
feat_diff = 10.0*mse_fn(pc_feat,aug_feat)
parameters = torch.max(torch.tensor(NUM).cuda(), torch.exp(1.0-cls_pc_raw)**2).cuda()
cls_diff = (torch.abs(cls_pc_raw - cls_aug_raw) * (parameters*2)).mean()
cls_loss = cls_pc + cls_aug + feat_diff# + cls_diff
return cls_loss`
Hello, when I run this code I get the following error: "NameError: name 'cls_pc_raw' is not defined". I'm not sure if it helps but here is the entire debug message.