lisds / project_airbnb_prices

MIT License
1 stars 5 forks source link

To set up builds for this report, run these commands in the root directory of this repository (the directory containing this file):

STEP 1 Installing prerequisites libraries.

pip3 install -r build_requirements.txt

STEP 2 You will need to MANUALLY fetch the data: Please Navigate to this link:

ENSURE you download "clean_df.csv" (Version 1 143.6MB) This can be found half way down the page. IT IS NOT the 40mb download button at the top of the page.

The data will come compressed and should be unzipped in this directory: "/project_airbnb_prices/data"

At this point you should have the file clean_df.csv in the "data" directory.

Please check you have this correctly by running:

STEP 3 To build the book, run in the root directory:

jupyter-book build .

The book build appears in the _build/html directory. You can open it with your browser.