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Bug: OpenAPI docs parse pydantic Field() #1541

Closed SanderWegter closed 1 year ago

SanderWegter commented 1 year ago


Referencing a discussion on Discord:

It seems that the pydantic Field() in the model isn't parsed and generating title/description fields in the openapi.json.

Running on docker python:3.11-alpine

URL to code causing the issue

No response


from starlite import Starlite, post, Controller
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
class SomeRequestData(BaseModel):
    hostname: str = Field(title="The hostname", description="Some description")
    interface: str = Field(title="Interface", description="Interface to use")
class SomeController(Controller):
    path = "/somepath"
        path="/test", summary="testing", tags=["Test"], description="Test description"
    async def request_example(self, data: SomeRequestData) -> str:
        return "test"
app = Starlite([SomeController])

Steps to reproduce

No response


Current (as in 2.0.0a4): Current

Expected (as in 1.51.9): Expected


No response

Litestar Version



chris-telemetry commented 1 year ago

I looked into this a bit since we happened to notice it today as well.

It looks like it applies to both request bodies and responses.

Looking at the source it appears litestart._signature.field.SignatureField doesn't support descriptions. There's an extra attribute but that appears to be used for creating examples.

SanderWegter commented 1 year ago

It looks like it applies to both request bodies and responses.


I went down the rabbit hole and tried to figure out why this happens. Looks like construct_open_api_with_schema_class isn't called anymore from when I'm comparing it to 1.51.10.

Simply adding this doesn't work because the OpenAPI class isnt based on pydantic BaseModel anymore but the litestar BaseSchemaObject.

The function construct_open_api_with_schema_class relies on the BaseModel.copy(deep=True) which doesn't exist on BaseSchemaObject.