liubenyuan / nudtpaper

A LaTeX template for Master/PhD Thesis of NUDT
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latex phd-thesis-template xelatex


A latex template for writing NUDT master/doctorial thesis

1. Introduction

Use nudtpaper.cls directly and modify your thesis.tex. The contents in makefile may help you with the compiling procedure. Any third party packages or macros can be added in mynudt.sty.

About Fonts: FZ fonts are best for printing (your final version).

2. Contribute to NUDTpaper

Fork this project and commit a pull request (PR)!

If nudtpaper helps you, please give it a star!

3. 开题报告简要指南

4. 学位论文简要指南

1) 学位类型选项

2) 页面选项

3) 字体选项

4) 版本/生成选项

5) 打印材料

6) 其他宏包

\counterwithout{footnote}{chapter} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{circledtext} \circledtextset{resize=real,height=1.5ex,boxcolor=blue,charcolor=blue,boxlinewidth=1pt} \makeatletter \renewcommand\thefootnote{\circledtext*{\@arabic\c@footnote}} \makeatother

%使用endnotes包的尾注 %\usepackage{endnotes} %\def\enoteheading{} %\renewcommand\makeenmark{\textsuperscript{\circledtext{\theenmark}}} %输出时用\theendnotes %用于endnotes宏包

%使用enotez包的尾注 \usepackage{enotez} \setenotez{%设置宏包选项 backref=true, list-name={},%把标题尾注内容改为一条线 %reset = true,%每次\printendnotes后重设序号 counter-format=arabic,%数字的样式是阿拉伯数字 mark-format= {\circledtext[boxcolor=blue,charcolor=blue]}, %带圈符号 list-heading={},%设置尾注标题的格式 list-style = {custom} } %定义需要的序号方式,比如带圈,带括号什么的。 \DeclareInstance{enotez-list}{custom}{paragraph} { heading = {}, notes-sep = {4pt} ,%这是各个尾注之间的间距 format = \normalsize , number = \textsuperscript{\circledtext[boxcolor=blue,charcolor=blue]{#1}} } %输出时用\printendnotes[custom] %用于enotez宏包

+  符号列表可以手工输入,也可以利用nomencl等宏包生成。

+  pdf文档的元信息可用hypersetup自行输入,比如:

\hypersetup{ pdftitle={the title}, pdfauthor={author’s name}, bookmarksdepth=subsubsection, bookmarksopen=true, % Expand the bookmarks as soon as the pdf file is opened bookmarksopenlevel=4, }

+  一些默认没有的书签信息可自行给出。比如:
