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Representation Alignment Contrastive Regularization for Multi-Object Tracking

Paper Link: arXiv


Step 1. Install python and create Conda environment.

conda create -n Ratracker python=3.8
conda activate Ratracker

Step 2. Install torch and matched torchvision from
The code was tested using torch==1.13.0 and torchvision==0.14.0.

Step 3. Install RATracker.

git clone
cd RATracker
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 develop

Step 4. Install pycocotools.

pip3 install cython; 
pip3 install 'git+'

Step 5. Others

pip3 install cython_bbox
pip3 install faiss-cpu
pip3 install faiss-gpu

We additionally used YOLOX and FastReID, please refer to their installation guides for additional setup options.

Data Preparation

Download MOT17 and MOT20 from the official website. And put them in the following structure:

      ├── MOT17
      │      ├── train
      │      └── test    
      └── MOT20
             ├── train
             └── test

Run the following code to obtain the validation set for MOT17:

cd tools/datasets


Run the following command to train TRAM, SRAM, and STRAM, and you can specify the training dataset through the --dataset and --half parameters.

bash configs/
bash configs/
bash configs/

You can download the pretrained model here.


We have used ByteTrack and FastReID, you need to download bytetrack_ablation, bytetrack_x_mot17, bytetrack_x_mot20, and mot17_sbs_S50.

The following code is used to apply tram, sram, and stram to the original Baseline method.

python tools/
python tools/ --tram --pretrained pretrained/mot17_half_tram.pth
python tools/ --sram --pretrained pretrained/mot17_half_sram.pth
python tools/ --stram --pretrained pretrained/mot17_half_stram.pth
Baseline 75.56 79.85 495
Baseline+TRAM 76.34 80.51 478
Baseline+SRAM 75.94 80.50 480
Baseline+STRAM 77.14 81.14 479

The following code is used to apply stram to the original IoU metric, Re-ID metric, or IoU+Re-ID metric. You can use the "metric" parameter to specify which metric to use, and the "stram" parameter to indicate whether stram should be used.

python3 tools/ datasets/MOT17 --default-parameters --benchmark "MOT17" --eval "val" --fp16 --fuse --metric iou
python3 tools/ datasets/MOT17 --default-parameters --benchmark "MOT17" --eval "val" --fp16 --fuse --metric iou --stram --pretrained pretrained/mot17_half_stram.pth
python3 tools/ datasets/MOT17 --default-parameters --benchmark "MOT17" --eval "val" --fp16 --fuse --metric reid
python3 tools/ datasets/MOT17 --default-parameters --benchmark "MOT17" --eval "val" --fp16 --fuse --metric reid --stram --pretrained pretrained/mot17_half_stram.pth
python3 tools/ datasets/MOT17 --default-parameters --benchmark "MOT17" --eval "val" --fp16 --fuse --metric iou_reid
python3 tools/ datasets/MOT17 --default-parameters --benchmark "MOT17" --eval "val" --fp16 --fuse --metric iou_reid --stram --pretrained pretrained/mot17_half_stram.pth

Run the following code to verify on the MOT17 and MOT20 test sets:

python3 tools/ datasets/MOT17 --default-parameters --benchmark "MOT17" --eval "test" --fp16 --fuse --metric iou --stram --pretrained pretrained/mot17_test_stram.pth
python3 tools/ datasets/MOT20 --default-parameters --benchmark "MOT20" --eval "test" --fp16 --fuse --metric iou --stram --pretrained pretrained/mot20_test_stram.pth

By submitting the results from the YOLOX_outputs folder to the MOTChallenge website, you can achieve the same performance as the paper. We adopted the ByteTrack approach by fine-tuning tracking parameters for each scene to achieve higher performance.

Applying RAM to other trackers

See tutorials.

Visualization results on MOT17 and MOT20


If you find this repository useful, please consider citing our paper:

  title={Representation Alignment Contrastive Regularization for Multi-Object Tracking},
  author={Chen, Shujie and Liu, Zhonglin and Dong, Jianfeng and Zhou, Di},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.02562},


A large part of the code is borrowed from ByteTrack, FastReID, MOTR, YOLOX and YOLOv7. Many thanks for their wonderful works.

This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China grant number 62002323.