livechat / chat-window-android

LiveChat mobile chat window for Android
MIT License
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Didn't find class "com.livechatinc.inappchat.R$layout" #54

Closed sorunokoe closed 3 years ago

sorunokoe commented 3 years ago

Hi there, Following the guide, but have a crash:

E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    Process: com.latoken.wallet, PID: 29257
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/livechatinc/inappchat/R$layout;
        at com.livechatinc.inappchat.ChatWindowFragment.onCreateView(

My code:

 Intent intent = new Intent(this, com.livechatinc.inappchat.ChatWindowActivity.class);
        Bundle config = new ChatWindowConfiguration.Builder()
nomyzs commented 3 years ago

Hello @sorunokoe ! Thanks for reaching out. We have found some problems in versions v2.1.3 and v2.1.4. However all seems good in version v2.1.5. Could you check if you still having this issues?