ljay79 / jira-tools

Project Aid for Jira - Google Spreadsheet Add-on for Jira Integration
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Custom Function toggle not working #274

Closed freddeichler closed 4 years ago

freddeichler commented 4 years ago

Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above When using the custom formula JST_getTotalForSearchResult I am getting an error that custom functions must be enabled. This toggle is enabled. Screen Shot 2020-08-27 at 10 50 53 AM

Provide a more detailed information of the issue I'm trying to get the total for a JQL and I'm getting an error that I need to enable custom functions. I have disabled and reenabled custom functions a few times and the error persists.

I also checked that my Jira integration is working fine and I can retrieve custom fields. Screen Shot 2020-08-27 at 12 34 58 PM

Provide Debugging information For further investigation, please activate Debugging in "About" dialog, provide us with your "Temp. User Key" and then perform at least one another try. This way it will log the error and debug information to project owners StackDriver logging account where we can analyze it better.

Note: User credentials are not transmitted in any log data.


Steps to reproduce

Provide a set of unambiguous steps to reproduce this bug include code, if relevant

  1. enter =JST_getTotalForSearchResult("status = done") into a cell
  2. hit return
  3. !#ERROR is in the cell and the popover says that custom functions must be enabled

Expected result

Tell us what should happen

  1. I would expect the total issue count

Actual result

Tell us what happens instead

  1. Error Error: The document owner (you) must enable custom functions. Open 'Add-ons > Project Aid for Jira > Settings' and toggle 'Custom Functions' to enabled. If you are not the document owner, ask him to enable custom functions. (line 202). Screen Shot 2020-08-27 at 10 46 15 AM
ljay79 commented 4 years ago

Hi @freddeichler sry, i didnt find time before.

Apparently you have produced quite some logs :) any many many of them show issues with the authentification and permissions. For getting a clean flow on all i would recommend to;

freddeichler commented 4 years ago

Hello @ljay79 ,

Thank you for your response. I turned the debug off and then on again, here is the Temp. User:


I then just attempted this command: =JST_getTotalForSearchResult("status = Done") and got the same result as I have been getting.

ljay79 commented 4 years ago

sry for my first comment, i was wrong. Have a lot of logs :/

ljay79 commented 4 years ago

I can see you disable and re-enabled debugging. After that, no logs ..

freddeichler commented 4 years ago

Strange, I just updated the function again

freddeichler commented 4 years ago

I was able to get a workaround just now for what I needed using ImportJSON

ljay79 commented 4 years ago

hmmm the last debug log was from 18:32 GTM just logging that you switched on the debugging. Since then, no log for the provided user key.

freddeichler commented 4 years ago

ok, I tried another formula.

ljay79 commented 4 years ago

hmmm nothing... can you verify the temp user key didnt change...

ljay79 commented 4 years ago

whenever you have time, please reinstall the add-on, create a new spreadsheet, enable debugging, take note of the temp user key and perform the troubling action again.

freddeichler commented 4 years ago

I removed the add-on, created a new spreadsheet, added the add-on, and it is now working. Thank you for your persistence.

Thanks for

ljay79 commented 4 years ago

Im glad its working now. I will close this issue then.