While working on ClangIR to LLVM lowering, we want to generate this kind of LLVM IR code:
@_ZN1BD1Ev = dso_local unnamed_addr alias void (ptr), ptr @_ZN1BD2Ev
@_ZN1CD2Ev = dso_local unnamed_addr alias void (ptr), ptr @_ZN1BD2Ev
@_ZN1CD1Ev = dso_local unnamed_addr alias void (ptr), ptr @_ZN1BD2Ev
define dso_local void @_ZN1BD2Ev(ptr noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(9) %this) unnamed_addr #0 {
One of the reasons it's not possible it's because there's no support for `alias` (the other one will be filed in another issue)
While working on ClangIR to LLVM lowering, we want to generate this kind of LLVM IR code:
One of the reasons it's not possible it's because there's no support for
(the other one will be filed in another issue)