Hi, first of all thanks for sharing this great work! I was porting you 1D correlation API in TensorFlow and I've several doubts in the code:
I am wondering why pad size is not equal to max_displacement (in the code, padded width = 2pad_size)?
int paddedbottomwidth = bottom[0]->width()+2padsize;
In the paper, it is written that a displacement of 40 is used with stride2 = 1, therefore, isn't padding = 40 required? What pad size do you supply?
single_direction variable: I hope the value -1 corresponds to the case of estimating disparity for left image and +1 corresponds to the case of estimating disparity for right image.
I'm not sure, but the factor 2 might be a remainder of a network version that didn't do single-direction correlation. In that case we'd pad both directions by max_displacement.
I hope so too. At least that's what it should correspond to.
Hi, first of all thanks for sharing this great work! I was porting you 1D correlation API in TensorFlow and I've several doubts in the code:
In the paper, it is written that a displacement of 40 is used with stride2 = 1, therefore, isn't padding = 40 required? What pad size do you supply?
Thank you in advance!