lmmx / tap

dex ⠶ tap – an audio transcriber for web radio
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Full queck integration with a function to automatically serve to deploy on stream load #10

Open lmmx opened 3 years ago

lmmx commented 3 years ago

Now that it's possible to obtain the MP4 source URLs automatically (without manually providing the M4S segment URLs or even the episode ID) and therefore obtain a transcript without any requirements whatsoever other than the series ID already being stored in the library, it's conceivable to have a stream that not only transcribes upon creation but then serves the exported transcript(s) if/when successful.

Add this as another flag (quill_export=None) to tap.scrape.grab.load_stream

if quill_export:
    stream.export_transcripts(out_format="mmd", domain=quill_export, single_file=True)
    import quill as ql
    ql.fold.wire.standup(domains_list=[quill_export], verbose=False)

Such that stream = tap.scrape.load_stream(transcribe=True, queck_export="poll") would carry out the

lmmx commented 3 years ago

Currently this is blocked by CUDA out of memory because it's apparently not released following transcription ?!

lmmx commented 3 years ago

(Also please turn off the annoying huggingface parallelism warning triggered by the quill standup and remote_push_manifest calls, which make the quill output unreadable)