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Under-the-hood of web bundlers #184

Closed craigtaub closed 4 years ago

craigtaub commented 4 years ago

A look at the mechanisms inside web bundlers e.g Webpack.

Starting with why they are still useful.

Then how to build a small compiler, akin to Webpack. There are many interesting topics in a very small space here.

Next how to use the output of our compiler with an application.

Finishing with all the additional parts Webpack does which ours doesn't, hopefully with some idea on how those could be done.

About me

I'm a senior developer at Nested with over 10 years experience. We do dev team talks every week and I have taken a couple, usually on the "under-the-hood of" theme. I was previously at the BBC.

My medium page is https://medium.com/@tabu_craig, I enjoy blogging.

hewIngram commented 4 years ago

Ah this sounds awesome @craigtaub - I think, increasingly, webpack is a bit of a scary black box to most developers (especially as tools like create-react-app abstract it away and hide it).

We might well save questions to the breaks or the pub afterwards if that's ok (in a drive to try and get it down to 20 mins-ish)?

Sounds like an awesome talk! We've got space on the 25th of March if that works for you?

craigtaub commented 4 years ago

Hey @hewIngram glad you like the sound of it. I think 20 mins-ish will be fine, happy to save the questions for after if necessary. Thats great Im free on 25th March. Do you have a location for it yet? If you need anything else from me please let me know. Thanks, Craig

Ankcorn commented 4 years ago

This talk looks really exciting! 🤘🎉

hewIngram commented 4 years ago

Awesome - I don't think we do have a venue yet, chatting with a few companies to get something lined up - I'll let you know when we do though! I'm going to book this in for March - thanks!

admataz commented 4 years ago

@craigtaub - sounds great! Thanks for the proposal - sounds like a great talk. Pleased to have you along!

@hewIngram - yes I am talking to a couple possibilities about venue - should have something confirmed in the next day or two.

hewIngram commented 4 years ago

Hey @craigtaub

Venue looks like it's going to be Tussle (near the Barbican) although still be tbc (I think... @admataz ??).

I just stumbled across your blog post about the "Feature Lead" process at Nested - that is very very cool.


admataz commented 4 years ago

hi - sorry, been off the ball. Yes, I confirmed with Trussle last week - will create the relevant pages on meetup and the website tonight.

Address is 1-3 Dufferin St, London EC1Y 8NA

craigtaub commented 4 years ago

Thanks for confirming venue both.

@hewIngram really glad you enjoyed it, perhaps we can chat about it at the Meetup :). Looking forward to it.

admataz commented 4 years ago

hi @craigtaub - we've just had word from our venue hosts, confirming what I think we already knew was inevitable - and they are not able to host due to the corona virus concerns - so we will not be holding a physical meetup this month. We have options for running a remote video event - the format, is still to be decided. Would you still be interested in speaking or preparing a video and taking online questions/discussion? Or would you prefer to wait till this all blows over?

craigtaub commented 4 years ago

Hi @admataz - thanks so much for the update, yes that was expected. If its ok with you guys I think I would prefer to wait until this all blows over and do a physical meetup. I look forward to meeting all of you eventually once all this is over. Thanks, Craig

admataz commented 4 years ago

thank you @craigtaub - I completely understand. Stay safe - will be in touch when the coast is clear!

admataz commented 4 years ago

Hey @craigtaub - seems it's going to be a while before we can meet in physical spaces around open boxes of pizza. Would you be interested in doing an online version of your talk? It can be live or pre-recorded...

craigtaub commented 4 years ago

hey @admataz , yes I actually made this an online talk already, the video is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAY10_75vFw. Id be very happy for it to be shown at the next virtual meetup, if you think its gd enough. Not sure if it is an issue that it's already public, will understand if the showing at the meetup needs to be the first screening. Also i have the mp4 so happy to re-upload it to a virtual meetup place if that helps.

admataz commented 4 years ago

awesome! I'll take a look - we are working out the details for the next meetup (which is next week) and may have a full schedule already - but if not then, definitely the next one (I don't see the situation changing by late June)

As it's pre-recorded - would you be able to join a panel or be online to take questions/comments from attendees?

craigtaub commented 4 years ago

we are working out the details for the next meetup (which is next week) and may have a full schedule already - but if not then, definitely the next one

Awesome sounds gd. Let me know.

would you be able to join a panel or be online to take questions/comments from attendees?

Yes sounds good.

admataz commented 4 years ago

Hi @craigtaub - how would you feel about doing your talk in a live stream? The meetup last week went very well for speakers - and the Remo.co platform was really good. Thoughts? WE are meeting again on June 24th

craigtaub commented 4 years ago

Hey @admataz, glad to hear it went well last week. Videos look great. Im happy to do the talk again live. I would want to use the same script and same content that I was planning to use before if thats ok i.e. presentation rather than a live code demo. Pls let me know time once its decided and if there is anything else I can do to prepare (e.g. Remo.co). Thanks

admataz commented 4 years ago

Hey @craigtaub - all sounding good. I've scheduled you in for next week - just checking - the length of your talk is similar to that in the YouTube video? We need to keep it around 25 minutes.

admataz commented 4 years ago

@craigtaub : Details of the meetup are on the website and meetup page: https://lnug.org. I'll be in touch later this week about a possible test run with the video hosts.

craigtaub commented 4 years ago


the length of your talk is similar to that in the YouTube video

Yep should be the same time.

I'll be in touch later this week about a possible test run with the video hosts

Sounds good to me.

Thanks for organising

admataz commented 4 years ago

hi @craigtaub we are going to go through the details of the Remo platform with @phazonoverload on Tuesday at 2pm - is this time ok for you?

craigtaub commented 4 years ago

@admataz yes 2pm on Tuesday works for me. My email is "craigtaub@gmail.com". Let me know what kind of call you guys are planning. Thanks

phazonoverload commented 4 years ago

On the platform itself so I can show you how it works 😄 https://live.remo.co/e/lnug-meetup-june-rehearsal

craigtaub commented 4 years ago

Thanks @phazonoverload . See you there then.

craigtaub commented 4 years ago

Thanks so much for the chance to speak guys. I'll definitely be back next month, perhaps in a couple of months will come back as a speaker with a similar talk.

Take care guys and see you soon.