There are insert/update/delete/get methods for all classes, even though they are not on the API documentation (I've let teamwork know about this), but they do work.
getAll /portfolio/boards/ - returns all the portfolio boards
get /portfolio/boards/{boardId} - returns the specific board
insert /portfolio/boards - creates a new board
update /portfolio/boards/{boardId} - updates the given board
delete /portfolio/boards/{boardId} - deletes the given board
getAllForBoard /portfolio/boards/{boardId}/columns - returns all the columns for the given board
get /portfolio/columns/{icolumnId} - returns the specific column
insert /portfolio/boards/{boardId}/columns - adds a column to the given board
update /portfolio/columns/{columnId} - updates the given column
delete /portfolio/columns/{columnId} - deletes the given column
getAllForColumn /portfolio/columns/{columnId}/cards - returns all the cards for the given column
get /portfolio/cards/{cardId} - returns the specific card
insert /portfolio/columns/{columnId}/cards - Adds a project to the given board (thus creating a card)
update /portfolio/cards/{cardId}/move - Used to move a card from one column to another
delete /portfolio/cards/{cardId} - deletes the given card (removes the project from the column)
Added the classes for the Portfolio Board endpoints:
There are insert/update/delete/get methods for all classes, even though they are not on the API documentation (I've let teamwork know about this), but they do work.