logankoester / grunt-phonegap

A Grunt plugin to provide local build tasks for Phonegap applications
MIT License
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Update for Phonegap 4.1.* #125

Open optikalefx opened 9 years ago

optikalefx commented 9 years ago

I get a lot of these now The command phonegap local <command> has been DEPRECATED. Is an update to use the 'phonegap ` coming? I can PR if it's not yet.

TianleZhang commented 9 years ago

Same question here

optikalefx commented 9 years ago

I temporarily fixed the source with find-replace. I'll make a PR soon

optikalefx commented 9 years ago

PR submitted https://github.com/logankoester/grunt-phonegap/pull/126

TianleZhang commented 9 years ago

Yes. I simply did same fixes on my local machine. But there are still other warning like phonegap.js is deprecated. But anyway thx

optikalefx commented 9 years ago

I'm not getting any other warnings personally. I updated both cordova and phonegap, made these changes and mine were good.

TianleZhang commented 9 years ago

Strange. My current Phonegap version is 4.1.2-0.22.10 and cordova version is 3.6.3-0.2.13. What is yours?

optikalefx commented 9 years ago

sclark:grunt-phonegap sean$ cordova -v 4.1.2 sclark:grunt-phonegap sean$ phonegap -v 4.1.2-0.22.9

TianleZhang commented 9 years ago

Yes. I didn't notice there is a newer version of cordova. Now I only have some warning left. Thx

[phonegap] executing 'cordova platform add android'... [phonegap] completed 'cordova platform add android' [warning] phonegap.js support will soon be removed. [warning] please replace 'phonegap.js' references with 'cordova.js' [phonegap] adding phonegap.js to the android platform [phonegap] executing 'cordova build android'...

optikalefx commented 9 years ago

Yea I think those you should have updated a long time ago. cordova.js is how you should refer to it

optikalefx commented 8 years ago

Still an issue a year later?

[warning] The command phonegap local <command> has been DEPRECATED. [warning] The command has been delegated to phonegap <command>. [warning] The command phonegap local <command> will soon be removed.

Is this project not under development?

julkue commented 8 years ago

It seems like no one cares about it.

@logankoester If you are not able to solve the 32 open issues and 2 open PRs and also to update the dependencies, then you should think of giving this project ahead to someone who will take care of it.

optikalefx commented 8 years ago


logankoester commented 8 years ago

@julmot, @optikalefx When I began shifting my focus to other projects I made a point of granting collaborator+npm access to grunt-phonegap to several of the people who were most active at the time. It seems they may have moved on as well now. Would you like to pick this up for a bit? If so then I'd be happy to give you access and you're welcome to release new versions as you see fit.

julkue commented 8 years ago

@logankoester I would love to help you building this task. However, I can help where I can, but I'm not sure if I will have enough time to meet expectations.

optikalefx commented 8 years ago

@logankoester when I have another phonegap project, I'll probably accept. But we are just about finished so I won't be touching PG for a while.

ashbrener commented 8 years ago

@logankoester we are able to contribute and maintain for now