lokedhs / gnu-apl-mode

GNU APL mode for Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
94 stars 18 forks source link

Error message on startup: "Illegal : in immediate execution+" #45

Open Sokleidas opened 1 year ago

Sokleidas commented 1 year ago

From .emacs-custom:

'(gnu-apl-flash-on-send t) '(gnu-apl-show-apl-welcome t) '(gnu-apl-show-keymap-on-startup t)


GNU Emacs 29.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.33, cairo version 1.16.0) of 2022-10-26 gnu-apl-mode-20220404.341


EmmanuelCharpentier commented 1 year ago

I have the same (non-)problem ; the illegac character may be + or :.

No other symptom...


lokedhs commented 1 year ago

Do you have a way to reproduce?

EmmanuelCharpentier commented 1 year ago

Do you have a way to reproduce?

Certainly : at every start of gnu-apl in a "fresh" emacs session, I get :

This is the gnu-apl-mode interactive buffer.

To toggle keyboard help, call M-x gnu-apl-show-keyboard (C-c C-k by default).
APL symbols are bound to the standard keys with the Super key. You can also
activate the APL-Z input method (M-x toggle-input-method or C-\) which
allows you to input APL symbols by prefixing the key with a "." (period).

There are several customisation options that can be set.
Click the link or run M-x customize-group RET gnu-apl to set up.

To disable this message, set gnu-apl-show-tips-on-start to nil.

Network listener started. Connection information: mode:tcp addr:36709

                    ______ _   __ __  __    ___     ____   __ 
                   / ____// | / // / / /   /   |   / __ \ / / 
                  / / __ /  |/ // / / /   / /| |  / /_/ // /  
                 / /_/ // /|  // /_/ /   / ___ | / ____// /___
                 \____//_/ |_/ \____/   /_/  |_|/_/    /_____/

            Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / Unversioned directory

                Copyright (C) 2008-2019  Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
                       Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org

                This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
                     for details run: /usr/bin/apl --gpl.

     This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
         according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.

      Illegal : in immediate execution+
Illegal : in immediate execution

Relevant section of my .init.el (which uses use-package) :

  ;; Police : Free Mono n'est pas mal. Alternative : Unifont Bold
  ;; Pas comme çà !
  ;; (setq gnu-apl-default
  ;;    (font-spec :family "FreeMono" :size 12.0))
  ;; Comme çà :
  (defface gnu-apl-default
    '((t :family "FreeMono" :size 12.0))
    "Face used for APL buffers"
    :group 'gnu-apl)
  ;; Snippet en provenance de la page github du mode
  (defun em-gnu-apl-init ()
    (setq buffer-face-mode-face 'gnu-apl-default)
  (defun initialize-APL-input-method ()
      (set-input-method "APL-Z" t))
  (add-hook 'gnu-apl-interactive-mode-hook 'em-gnu-apl-init)
  (add-hook 'gnu-apl-interactive-mode-hook 'initialize-APL-input-method)
  (add-hook 'gnu-apl-mode-hook 'em-gnu-apl-init)
  (add-hook 'gnu-apl-mode-hook 'initialize-APL-input-method)
  ;; Çà, çà marche !
  ;; Clavier
  ;; Template
║ ~∇ ║ 1∇ ║ 2∇ ║ 3∇ ║ 4∇ ║ 5∇ ║ 6∇ ║ 7∇ ║ 8∇ ║ 9∇ ║ 0∇ ║ °∇ ║ +∇ ║         ║
║ `∇ ║ &∇ ║ é∇ ║ \"∇ ║ '∇ ║ (∇ ║ -∇ ║ è∇ ║ _∇ ║ ç∇ ║ à∇ ║ )∇ ║ =∇ ║ BACKSP  ║
║       ║ A∇ ║ Z∇ ║ E∇ ║ R∇ ║ T∇ ║ Y∇ ║ U∇ ║ I∇ ║ O∇ ║ P∇ ║ ¨∇ ║ £∇ ║       
║  TAB  ║ a∇ ║ z∇ ║ e∇ ║ r∇ ║ t∇ ║ y∇ ║ u∇ ║ i∇ ║ o∇ ║ p∇ ║ ^∇ ║ $∇ ║       
║ (Verr.  ║ Q∇ ║ S∇ ║ D∇ ║ F∇ ║ G∇ ║ H∇ ║ J∇ ║ K∇ ║ L∇ ║ M∇ ║ %∇ ║ µ∇ ║    ║
║  Maj.)  ║ q∇ ║ s∇ ║ d∇ ║ f∇ ║ g∇ ║ h∇ ║ j∇ ║ k∇ ║ l∇ ║ m∇ ║ ù∇ ║ *∇ ║ RC.║
║             ║ >∇ ║ W∇ ║ X∇ ║ C∇ ║ V∇ ║ B∇ ║ N∇ ║ ?∇ ║ .∇ ║ /∇ ║ §∇ ║     ║
║  Maj.       ║ <∇ ║ w∇ ║ x∇ ║ c∇ ║ v∇ ║ b∇ ║ n∇ ║ ,∇ ║ ;∇ ║ :∇ ║ !∇ ║ Maj.║
  (setq gnu-apl--symbols
    '(("diamond" "◊" "2")
      ("diaeresis" "¨" "&")
      ("i-beam" "⌶" "1")
      ("macron" "¯" "é")
      ("del-tilde" "⍫" "2")
      ("less-than" "<" "\"")
      ("del-stile" "⍒" "#")
      ("less-than-or-equal-to" "≤" "'")
      ("delta-stile" "⍋" "4")
      ("equals" "=" "(")
      ("circle-stile" "⌽" "5")
      ("greater-than-or-equal-to" "≥" "-")
      ("circle-backslash" "⍉" "6")
      ("greater-than" ">" "è")
      ("circled-minus" "⊖" "7")
      ("not-equal-to" "≠" "_")
      ("circle-star" "⍟" "8")
      ("logical-or" "∨" "ç")
      ("down-caret-tilde" "⍱" "9")
      ("logical-and" "∧" "à")
      ("up-caret-tilde" "⍲" "0")
      ("multiplication-sign" "×" ")")
      ("exclamation-mark" "!" "°")
      ("division-sign" "÷" "=")
      ("quad-divide" "⌹" "+")
      ("question-mark" "?" "q") ;; Questionable
      ("omega" "⍵" "w")
      ("omega-underbar" "⍹" "W")
      ("epsilon" "∊" "e")
      ("epsilon-underbar" "⍷" "E")
      ("rho" "⍴" "r")
      ("tilde" "∼" "t")
      ("tilde-diaeresis" "⍨" "T")
      ("uparrow" "↑" "y")
      ("yen-sign" "¥" "Y")
      ("downarrow" "↓" "u")
      ("iota" "⍳" "i")
      ("iota-underbar" "⍸" "I")
      ("circle" "○" "o")
      ("circle-diaeresis" "⍥" "O")
      ("star-operator" "⋆" "p")
      ("star-diaeresis" "⍣" "P")
      ("leftarrow" "←" "z") ;; To be tested !
      ("quote-quad" "⍞" "Z") ;; To be tested
      ("rightarrow" "→" "M") ;; To be tested
      ("zilde" "⍬" "N")
      ("right-tack" "⊢" "£")
      ("left-tack" "⊣" "$")
      ("alpha" "⍺" "a")
      ("alpha-underbar" "⍶" "A")
      ("left-ceiling" "⌈" "s")
      ("left-floor" "⌊" "d")
      ("underscore" "_" "f") ;; Questionable
      ("del-tilde" "⍫" "F")
      ("nabla" "∇" "g")
      ("increment" "∆" "h")
      ("delta-underbar" "⍙" "H")
      ("ring-operator" "∘" "j")
      ("jot-diaeresis" "⍤" "J")
      ("apostrophe" "'" "k") ;; Questionable
      ("quad-diamond" "⌺" "K")
      ("quad" "⎕" "l")
      ("squish-quad" "⌷" "L")
      ("down-tack-jot" "⍎" "ù")
      ("identical-to" "≡" "%")
      ("up-tack-jot" "⍕" "*")
      ("not-identical-to" "≢" "µ")
      ("subset-of" "⊂" "V")
      ("superset-of" "⊃" "x")
      ("greek-letter-chi" "χ" "X")
      ("intersection" "∩" "c")
      ("left-shoe-stile" "⍧" "C")
      ("union" "∪" "v")
      ("up-tack" "⊥" "b")
      ("pound-sign" "£" "B") ;; Questionable
      ("down-tack" "⊤" "n")
      ("divides" "|" "m")
      ("shoe-jot" "⍝" ",")
      ("comma-bar" "⍪" "?")
      ("backslash-bar" "⍀" "/")
      ("slash-bar" "⌿" "!")
      ("quad-colon" "⍠" "§")
      ("pi" "π")
      ("root" "√")
      ("inverted-exclamation-mark" "¡")
      ("quad-backslash" "⍂")
      ("inverted-question-mark" "¿")))
  :mode ("\\.apl$" . gnu-apl-mode)
  :interpreter ("apl" . gnu-apl-mode)

A you can see, my keyboard has some significant departures from Dyalog's (and a different physical layout)...