lorabasics / basicstation

LoRa Basics™ Station - The LoRaWAN Gateway Software
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RAK7246G (class B mode)can't sent downlink to device #176

Open yqmlove opened 1 year ago

yqmlove commented 1 year ago

I am using RAK7246G class B mode for testing uplink/downlink, the device is RWC5020B, from the station log, I saw RWC5020B successfully joined and received join accept from AWS IoT. It received the beacon and other MacCommands like PingSlotInfoAns, LinkCheckAns from RAK7246G. I also noticed that RAK7246G received downlink which sent by LNS (AWS IoT), but RWC5020B didn't receive downlink from RAK7246G.

RWC5020B EUI is: 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-08

The log shown the below error, not sure if it is the reason, please note: I just sent 2 or 3 downlink packets.

2022-12-18 09:08:34.861 [S2E:DEBU] ::0 diid=41998 [ant#0] - frame colliding with ongoing TX on ant#0
2022-12-18 09:08:34.861 [S2E:DEBU] ::0 diid=41998 [ant#0] - frame colliding with ongoing TX on ant#0
2022-12-18 09:08:34.861 [S2E:DEBU] ::0 diid=41998 [ant#0] - frame colliding with ongoing TX on ant#0

I changed TX_AIM_GAP and TXCHECK_FUDGE, but still not working.

str RADIODEV             = "/dev/spidev?.0" builtin      default radio device
    u4 LOGFILE_SIZE         = "10MB"     builtin      default size of a logfile
    u4 LOGFILE_ROTATE       = 3          builtin      besides current log file keep *.1..N (none if 0)
    u4 TCP_KEEPALIVE_EN     = 1          builtin      TCP keepalive enabled
    u4 TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE   = 60         builtin      TCP keepalive TCP_KEEPIDLE [s]
    u4 TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL  = 15         builtin      TCP keepalive TCP_KEEPINTVL [s]
    u4 TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT    = 4          builtin      TCP keepalive TCP_KEEPCNT
    u4 MAX_JOINEUI_RANGES   = 10         builtin      max ranges to suppress unwanted join requests
ustime CUPS_CONN_TIMEOUT    = "60s"      builtin      connection timeout
ustime CUPS_OKSYNC_INTV     = "24h"      builtin      regular check-in with CUPS for updates
ustime CUPS_RESYNC_INTV     = "1s"       station.conf check-in with CUPS for updates after a failure
    u4 CUPS_BUFSZ           = "8KB"      builtin      read from CUPS in chunks of this size
ustime GPS_REPORT_DELAY     = "120s"     builtin      delay GPS reports and consolidate
ustime GPS_REOPEN_TTY_INTV  = "1s"       builtin      recheck TTY open if it failed
ustime GPS_REOPEN_FIFO_INTV = "1s"       builtin      recheck if FIFO writer fake GPS
ustime CMD_REOPEN_FIFO_INTV = "1s"       builtin      recheck if FIFO writer
ustime RX_POLL_INTV         = "20ms"     builtin      interval to poll SX1301 RX FIFO
ustime TC_TIMEOUT           = "60s"      builtin      reconnected to muxs
ustime CLASS_C_BACKOFF_BY   = "100ms"    builtin      retry interval for class C TX attempts
    u4 CLASS_C_BACKOFF_MAX  = 10         builtin      max number of class C TX attempts
ustime RADIO_INIT_WAIT      = "5s"       station.conf max wait for radio init command to finish
ustime PPS_VALID_INTV       = "10m"      builtin      max age of last PPS sync for GPS time conversions
ustime TIMESYNC_RADIO_INTV  = "2100ms"   builtin      interval to resync MCU/SX1301
ustime TIMESYNC_LNS_RETRY   = "71ms"     builtin      resend timesync message to server
ustime TIMESYNC_LNS_PAUSE   = "5s"       builtin      pause after unsuccessful volley of timesync messages
    u4 TIMESYNC_LNS_BURST   = 10         builtin      volley of timesync messages before pausing
ustime TIMESYNC_REPORTS     = "5m"       builtin      report interval for current timesync status
ustime TX_MIN_GAP           = "10ms"     builtin      min distance between two frames being TXed
ustime TX_AIM_GAP           = "60ms"     builtin      aim for this TX lead time, if delayed should not fall under min
ustime TX_MAX_AHEAD         = "600s"     builtin      maximum time message can be scheduled into the future
ustime TXCHECK_FUDGE        = "20ms"     builtin      check radio state this time into ongoing TX
ustime BEACON_INTVL         = "128s"     builtin      beaconing interval
    u4 TLS_SNI              = true       builtin      Set and verify server name of TLS connections

Attached is the station log. station-log.txt

Meimurugan11 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @yqmlove , I want to integrate the sx1302 lorawan packet forwarder with aws server it requires aws key, certifates, trust certificates. I am trying to configure with sample configuration files am not sure this format is right. Please help me to resolve this issue.Any help would be greatly appreciated. If possible could you give me the sample station.conf file for aws integration.
