loris-imageserver / loris

Loris IIIF Image Server
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subclassing and adding a custom resolver / running in aws elastic beanstalk #178

Open tingletech opened 8 years ago

tingletech commented 8 years ago


@barbarahui created a #ucldc branch of loris that has a resolver for amazon S3 and a docker container to run loris in AWS elastic beanstalk with the docker application server.

I decided I wanted to refactor this for running on the python application server in elastic beanstalk, and created Potto-Loris . I wanted to use loris more like a library, and avoid running all the installer type stuff in setup.py (I don't want a User "loris" and or group "loris") -- shoving things into elastic beanstalk's python application server layout (ie wsgi:wsgi).

For something like S3 integration, would you prefer to see this more as a "plug-in" that someone would create a custom class for, or would you be open to a pull request to add support for S3?

This is what I did:

I pulled Barbara's resolver into a new file and created my own loris2.wsgi

This script sets up the EC2/python app server

Using it as a library, ideally I would like to be able to pip install loris and have this frozen in my requirements.txt -- right now my AWS deploy script is cloning the git repo and modifying the PYTHONPATH of the app basically.

FYI, we launched a new Calisphere today which uses Loris IIIF with open seadragon. Riverside and Merced have a lot of examples. Thanks for making it possible!

jpstroop commented 8 years ago

Brian, That looks great! Thanks for the info. If there's anything that you think should/could be more generalized in loris-imageserver/loris, please let me know, file issues, send PRs, whatever.

You should also announce your project/work to iiif-discuss! -Js

jpstroop commented 8 years ago

Doh! I missed this paragraph:

For something like S3 integration, would you prefer to see this more as a "plug-in" that someone would create a custom class for, or would you be open to a pull request to add support for S3?

As long as it doesn't force any special opinions on existing users, has clear documentation, and we can work out any licensing constraints, I'd welcome a PR.

tingletech commented 8 years ago

What were your intentions as far as customizing the resolvers / extending loris functionality? For the setup.py -- would you be open to something like a setup_application.py that does the current full image server install, and a more conventional setup.py that would work with pip?

Since the license has no patent granting language, my understanding is that it is okay for us to work on, at least from our end.