louis-thevenet / zsh-airpods-battery

Zsh plugin that displays your airpods battery level in prompt
MIT License
3 stars 0 forks source link

/tmp/airpods_battery.out no such file or directory #2

Open joeyfigaro opened 1 month ago

joeyfigaro commented 1 month ago

Installed/configured as a zsh plugin and updated shell. There's no battery status available and the following message is printed: cat: /tmp/airpods_battery.out: No such file or directory


OS: Mac OS 14.1.1 Terminal: Warp v0.2024. Shell: zsh/ohmyzsh

Steps Taken

louis-thevenet commented 1 month ago

Hello, you may need to create the file by hand the first time touch /tmp/airpods_battery.out.

louis-thevenet commented 1 month ago

Also check that the service is running as expected: systemctl --user status airpods-battery-fetcher.service The service installation seems absent from your steps taken