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racesupportcontracts: field definition #261

Closed louking closed 5 years ago

louking commented 6 years ago
Calandar Spreadsheet Field Database Field Definition How updated Notes
Date date date of event create event / RENEW EVENTS RENEW EVENTS a la RunSignUp terminology - copies events within a range of dates to new range of dates; calculates new event dates by nth day of week - e.g., if event was 3rd saturday in March 2017 new event will be 3rd saturday in 2018
Quarter (if committed) state     Change to State field? State = Blocked [FSRC not accepting events on this date], Pending [copied from previous year], Tentative [customer to confirm date], Contract Sent [contract sent to customer], Committed [customer signed contract]
Event eventName name of event create event / RENEW EVENTS  
Event Link eventLink link to event create event / RENEW EVENTS NEW
FSRC Lead lead name of FSRC lead edit event add sheet with list of possible FSRC leads, columns email, cost %age per service to feed into Self-Propel / Payments column
Main Race Distance mainDistance event distance (miles) create event / RENEW EVENTS  
Fun Run/Walk Distance funDistance event distance (miles) (optional) create event / RENEW EVENTS  
Main Race Start mainStartTime time of day create event / RENEW EVENTS  
Fun Run/Walk Start funStartTime time of day (optional) create event / RENEW EVENTS  
Course courseName name of course create event / RENEW EVENTS  
Standard Course standardCourse Y or N (or blank) create event / RENEW EVENTS  
Organization organization race director organization create event / RENEW EVENTS  
Contact First Name contactFirstName   create event / RENEW EVENTS  
Contact Name contactFullName   create event / RENEW EVENTS  
contact email contactEmail   create event / RENEW EVENTS  
Registration Link registrationLink   create event / RENEW EVENTS  
Services services finishline, coursemarking, premiumpromotion, rental create event / RENEW EVENTS NEW COLUMN: tags, can have multiple values; what is 'rental'? NOTE: if Services does not include finishline or coursemarking, calendar does not get blocked for event date
2017 finishers finishersPrevYear number of finishers previous year create event / RENEW EVENTS rename to Prev Year #Finishers; does this need to have year in header? copied from last year's Curr Year #Finishers
max participants for FL maxParticipants used to calculate FL fee   can be derived from Prev Year #Finishers
FL feeFinishLine customer fee for finish line on commit depends on Services, 'max participants for FL'
CM feeCourseMarking customer fee for course marking on commit depends on Services
MailChimp feePremiumPromotion customer fee for mail chimp on commit depends on Services
Rental feeRental customer fee for rental on commit depends on Services - how is rental calculated?
Fee feeTotal sum of FL thru Rental on commit  
Self-Propel contractorPayments FSRC cost for self-propel on commit depends on FSRC Lead, calculated based on certain customer fees - change name to Payments?
FSRC Net feesNet Fee minus Self-Propel calculated from customer fees, costs  
Ready for Contract readyForContractDate date when ready to send contract edit event How to transition to Ready for Contract? Is there a use case where customer is ready but contract wouldn't be sent yet?
Contract Sent contractSentDate date when contract sent SEND CONTRACT SEND CONTRACT button generates contract and sends link to race director and changes State to Contract Sent; email sent to race director, treasurer, race services
SIgned Contract Received signedContractReceivedDate date when contract signed ACCEPT CONTRACT ACCEPT CONTRACT button on customer view, "signs" electronically, marks agreed-to contract as signed and changes State to Committed; email sent to race director, treasurer, race services
FSRC Calendar isOnCalendar Y or N (or blank) edit event Is this needed? Set manually - should there be a way to automatically generate text for calendar entry? This could be "mail merged" for copy/paste
Invoice Sent isInvoiceSent Y or N (or blank) edit event  
Payment Recd paymentRecdDate date when payment received edit event  
Quarter Payment Rcvd   edit event is this needed? can Payment Recd have a date in it?
Status <remove?>   edit notes (edit event limited to this field by user name) seems to be used by Robbie for notes - he should be using Premium Promotion Notes instead
Premium Promotion Notes notesPremiumPromotion   edit notes (edit event limited to this field by user name)  
2018 finishers finishersCurrYear number of finishers current year   rename to Curr Year Finishers; does this need to have year in header?
Contract Doc FID contractDocFid drive fileid for contract DOC file SEND CONTRACT NEW
Contract PDF FID contractPdfFid drive fileid for contract PDF file SEND CONTRACT NEW

(from race support calendar field definitions)

louking commented 6 years ago

initial f727c0065b1d9d466b5f4307de58c3de0378ea2c

louking commented 5 years ago

moved to https://github.com/louking/contracts/issues/2