lovasoa / dezoomify-rs

Zoomable image downloader for Google Arts & Culture, Zoomify, IIIF, and others
GNU General Public License v3.0
744 stars 66 forks source link

dezoomify-rs-macos fails #202

Open bachelorbob opened 1 year ago

bachelorbob commented 1 year ago

Release v2.9.4 and Release v2.10.0 of dezoomify-rs for MacOS fail with the following command:

dezoomify-rs -H "https://www.bavarikon.de/" https://api.digitale-sammlungen.de/iiif/image/v2/bav:BBR-MUS-00000BAV80055719_bav80055719_00003/info.json test.png

I am told that the same (cut & paste) command works in Linux.

lovasoa commented 1 year ago

Can you describe your issue in more details ? Just "it fails" alone does not give a lot of information about your problem :slightly_smiling_face:

bachelorbob commented 1 year ago

Last login: Fri Apr 7 11:50:25 on ttys002 Pauls-MacBook-Pro-3:~ Paul$ /Users/Paul/Downloads/dezoomify-rs-macos\ 2/dezoomify-rs ; exit; Enter an URL or a path to a tiles.yaml file: dezoomify-rs -H "https://www.bavarikon.de/" https://api.digitale-sammlungen.de/iiif/image/v2/bav:BBR-MUS-00000BAV80055719_bav80055719_00003/info.json test.png ERROR Dezoomer error: Unable to create the dezoomer: Tried all of the dezoomers, none succeeded. They returned the following errors:

dezoomify-rs expects a zoomable image meta-information file URL. To find this URL, you can use the dezoomify browser extension, which you can download at

Enter an URL or a path to a tiles.yaml file:

bachelorbob commented 1 year ago

Still fails in 'master' version.

bachelorbob commented 1 year ago

Same command line fails in Windows EXE version (run on Mac using Windows 10 Ed inside Parallels Desktop).

SBenoit5 commented 1 year ago

On Mac, I use this one and it works : https://dezoomify-rs.ophir.dev/

peterldowns commented 5 months ago

I do not believe there is an issue with the macOS build. This command succeeds but fails to download the images due to lacking some necessary headers, as discussed in https://github.com/lovasoa/dezoomify/issues/703. By including the Referer and Host headers, with values taken from looking at my browser's networking tab while viewing the image at https://www.bavarikon.de/object/bav:BBR-MUS-00000BAV80055719, I was able to make the following command work on macOS:

$ mkdir -p tile-cache
$ dezoomify-rs --tile-cache ./tile-cache --dezoomer iiif  -H 'Host: api.digitale-sammlungen.de' -H 'Referer: https://www.bavarikon.de/' 'https://api.digitale-sammlungen.de/iiif/image/v2/bav:BBR-MUS-00000BAV80055719_bav80055719_00001/info.json' output.jpg

Resulting in this image
