draft of call wiki page. Access restricted to @bobmann and @markgbeckett
attempted to create the JISC online survey based on the previous call survey. Unfortunately the "duplicate" functionality does not work as documented so have submitted a ticket (Jisc Ticket CS-00312543) to the JISC helpdesk.
drafted lusc-announce email - see call folder on O365
draft content of email o existing P/JAs with terms expiring before 30/SEP/26 - see O365 folder
emailed and received replies concerning JAs who did not extend last time. Updated reason-for-non-renewal column in draft of updated version of previous call spreadsheet.
No reply from JISC to ticket but have now figured out that editing the survey name in the Builder section, will remove " - duplicate" in the name on the dashboard
Contents based on April 2024 PI/JA call and Summer 2023 PI/JA call. Wiki page for all previous calls
@markgbeckett has created a wiki page with notes on the process at https://lsst-uk.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LUSC/pages/3138551822/Rubin+Data+Rights+Holder+Updates
Timetable implementation