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Lasair floating IP increase (2 weeks) #192

Closed GregBlow closed 2 months ago

GregBlow commented 2 months ago

Hi, would it be possible to get the floating IP quota for the RSP project increased to 30? They should only be needed temporarily for a few days to support an upgrade and we expect to be able to release some again once we've completed it. We will hopefully end up using fewer overall as the new CAPI Magnum is less profligate than the old Heat based version.

GregBlow commented 2 months ago
(openstack_cli) ubuntu@gb-magnum-2:~$ openstack quota show rsp
| Resource              |   Limit |
| cores                 |     240 |
| instances             |      60 |
| ram                   | 1572864 |
| volumes               |     120 |
| snapshots             |      20 |
| gigabytes             |  256000 |
| backups               |      -1 |
| volumes_multiattach   |      -1 |
| gigabytes_multiattach |      -1 |
| snapshots_multiattach |      -1 |
| volumes_nvme          |      -1 |
| gigabytes_nvme        |      -1 |
| snapshots_nvme        |      -1 |
| volumes_ceph-ssd      |      -1 |
| gigabytes_ceph-ssd    |   16000 |
| snapshots_ceph-ssd    |      -1 |
| volumes_ceph-hdd      |      -1 |
| gigabytes_ceph-hdd    |      -1 |
| snapshots_ceph-hdd    |      -1 |
| groups                |      10 |
| networks              |     100 |
| ports                 |     500 |
| rbac_policies         |      10 |
| routers               |      20 |
| subnets               |     100 |
| subnet_pools          |      -1 |
| fixed-ips             |      -1 |
| injected-file-size    |      -1 |
| injected-path-size    |     255 |
| injected-files        |      -1 |
| key-pairs             |      -1 |
| properties            |     128 |
| server-groups         |      10 |
| server-group-members  |      10 |
| floating-ips          |      28 |
| secgroup-rules        |      -1 |
| secgroups             |     100 |
| backup-gigabytes      |      -1 |
| per-volume-gigabytes  |      -1 |
GregBlow commented 2 months ago
(openstack_cli) ubuntu@gb-magnum-2:~$ openstack quota show lasair
| Resource              |   Limit |
| cores                 |     350 |
| instances             |     120 |
| ram                   | 1529173 |
| volumes               |     200 |
| snapshots             |      20 |
| gigabytes             |  512000 |
| backups               |      -1 |
| volumes_multiattach   |      -1 |
| gigabytes_multiattach |      -1 |
| snapshots_multiattach |      -1 |
| volumes_nvme          |      -1 |
| gigabytes_nvme        |      -1 |
| snapshots_nvme        |      -1 |
| volumes_ceph-ssd      |      -1 |
| gigabytes_ceph-ssd    |   32000 |
| snapshots_ceph-ssd    |      -1 |
| volumes_ceph-hdd      |      -1 |
| gigabytes_ceph-hdd    |   90000 |
| snapshots_ceph-hdd    |      -1 |
| groups                |      10 |
| networks              |     100 |
| ports                 |     500 |
| rbac_policies         |      10 |
| routers               |      10 |
| subnets               |     100 |
| subnet_pools          |      -1 |
| fixed-ips             |      25 |
| injected-file-size    |      -1 |
| injected-path-size    |     255 |
| injected-files        |      -1 |
| key-pairs             |      -1 |
| properties            |     128 |
| server-groups         |      50 |
| server-group-members  |      10 |
| floating-ips          |      -1 |
| secgroup-rules        |     150 |
| secgroups             |      20 |
| backup-gigabytes      |      -1 |
| per-volume-gigabytes  |      -1 |
(openstack_cli) ubuntu@gb-magnum-2:~$ openstack quota show rsp
| Resource              |   Limit |
| cores                 |     240 |
| instances             |      60 |
| ram                   | 1572864 |
| volumes               |     120 |
| snapshots             |      20 |
| gigabytes             |  256000 |
| backups               |      -1 |
| volumes_multiattach   |      -1 |
| gigabytes_multiattach |      -1 |
| snapshots_multiattach |      -1 |
| volumes_nvme          |      -1 |
| gigabytes_nvme        |      -1 |
| snapshots_nvme        |      -1 |
| volumes_ceph-ssd      |      -1 |
| gigabytes_ceph-ssd    |   16000 |
| snapshots_ceph-ssd    |      -1 |
| volumes_ceph-hdd      |      -1 |
| gigabytes_ceph-hdd    |      -1 |
| snapshots_ceph-hdd    |      -1 |
| groups                |      10 |
| networks              |     100 |
| ports                 |     500 |
| rbac_policies         |      10 |
| routers               |      20 |
| subnets               |     100 |
| subnet_pools          |      -1 |
| fixed-ips             |      -1 |
| injected-file-size    |      -1 |
| injected-path-size    |     255 |
| injected-files        |      -1 |
| key-pairs             |      -1 |
| properties            |     128 |
| server-groups         |      10 |
| server-group-members  |      10 |
| floating-ips          |      28 |
| secgroup-rules        |      -1 |
| secgroups             |     100 |
| backup-gigabytes      |      -1 |
| per-volume-gigabytes  |      -1 |
(openstack_cli) ubuntu@gb-magnum-2:~$ openstack quota set --floating-ips 58 RSP
This command currently defaults to '--force' when modifying network quotas. This behavior will change in a future release. Consider explicitly providing '--force' or '--no-force' options to avoid changes in behavior.
(openstack_cli) ubuntu@gb-magnum-2:~$ openstack quota show rsp
| Resource              |   Limit |
| cores                 |     240 |
| instances             |      60 |
| ram                   | 1572864 |
| volumes               |     120 |
| snapshots             |      20 |
| gigabytes             |  256000 |
| backups               |      -1 |
| volumes_multiattach   |      -1 |
| gigabytes_multiattach |      -1 |
| snapshots_multiattach |      -1 |
| volumes_nvme          |      -1 |
| gigabytes_nvme        |      -1 |
| snapshots_nvme        |      -1 |
| volumes_ceph-ssd      |      -1 |
| gigabytes_ceph-ssd    |   16000 |
| snapshots_ceph-ssd    |      -1 |
| volumes_ceph-hdd      |      -1 |
| gigabytes_ceph-hdd    |      -1 |
| snapshots_ceph-hdd    |      -1 |
| groups                |      10 |
| networks              |     100 |
| ports                 |     500 |
| rbac_policies         |      10 |
| routers               |      20 |
| subnets               |     100 |
| subnet_pools          |      -1 |
| fixed-ips             |      -1 |
| injected-file-size    |      -1 |
| injected-path-size    |     255 |
| injected-files        |      -1 |
| key-pairs             |      -1 |
| properties            |     128 |
| server-groups         |      10 |
| server-group-members  |      10 |
| floating-ips          |      58 |
| secgroup-rules        |      -1 |
| secgroups             |     100 |
| backup-gigabytes      |      -1 |
| per-volume-gigabytes  |      -1 |
(openstack_cli) ubuntu@gb-magnum-2:~$ openstack quota set --floating-ips 30 RSP
This command currently defaults to '--force' when modifying network quotas. This behavior will change in a future release. Consider explicitly providing '--force' or '--no-force' options to avoid changes in behavior.
(openstack_cli) ubuntu@gb-magnum-2:~$ openstack quota show rsp
| Resource              |   Limit |
| cores                 |     240 |
| instances             |      60 |
| ram                   | 1572864 |
| volumes               |     120 |
| snapshots             |      20 |
| gigabytes             |  256000 |
| backups               |      -1 |
| volumes_multiattach   |      -1 |
| gigabytes_multiattach |      -1 |
| snapshots_multiattach |      -1 |
| volumes_nvme          |      -1 |
| gigabytes_nvme        |      -1 |
| snapshots_nvme        |      -1 |
| volumes_ceph-ssd      |      -1 |
| gigabytes_ceph-ssd    |   16000 |
| snapshots_ceph-ssd    |      -1 |
| volumes_ceph-hdd      |      -1 |
| gigabytes_ceph-hdd    |      -1 |
| snapshots_ceph-hdd    |      -1 |
| groups                |      10 |
| networks              |     100 |
| ports                 |     500 |
| rbac_policies         |      10 |
| routers               |      20 |
| subnets               |     100 |
| subnet_pools          |      -1 |
| fixed-ips             |      -1 |
| injected-file-size    |      -1 |
| injected-path-size    |     255 |
| injected-files        |      -1 |
| key-pairs             |      -1 |
| properties            |     128 |
| server-groups         |      10 |
| server-group-members  |      10 |
| floating-ips          |      30 |
| secgroup-rules        |      -1 |
| secgroups             |     100 |
| backup-gigabytes      |      -1 |
| per-volume-gigabytes  |      -1 |
GregBlow commented 2 months ago