This is the weird error I get, I suppose the semver check/assertion is buggy. crates.nvim has a very good & tested semver implementation implemented in lua:
vim/_editor.lua:0: /home/izelnakri/.config/home-manager/static/.config/nvim/init.lua..nvim_exec2() called at /home/izelnakri/.config/home-manager/static/.config/nvim/init.lua:0../home/izelnakri/.local/share/nvim/lazy/devdocs.vim/plugin/setup.vim, line 2: Vim(echoerr):Needs Vim version 9.01 and above
# stacktrace:
- vim/_editor.lua:0 _in_ **cmd**
- ~/.config/nvim/lua/config/lazy.lua:28
- static/.config/nvim/init.lua:2
This is the weird error I get, I suppose the semver check/assertion is buggy. crates.nvim has a very good & tested semver implementation implemented in lua: