[x] These new options need to be added to the plasmoid:
# Main loop delay in seconds
# How often the main program looks for wallpaper/config changes.
# Useful to save some power
# Default is 1 seconds
# Commented by default
main_loop_delay = 1
# Delay between desktop view screenshots in seconds
# Some wallpaper plugins display a constant transition based on time or other
# circumstances, this option can be configured to decrease the amount
# of detections for those cases to save power.
# Should be bigger than main_loop_delay (will take main_loop_delay otherwise)
# Default is 900 seconds (15 minutes)
# Commented by default
screenshot_delay = 900
# Extract colors from screenshot once after changing plugin
# This option makes sense for wallpaper plugins that display an animated loop
# that never stops. This option makes the color extraction run
# only a single time instead of detecting every change.
# Useful to save power and resources for wallpapers that need screenshot
# Default is False
# Commented by default
once_after_change = False
[x] Also, text area for konsole_profile needs to be replaced by disable_konsole:
# Disable automatic Konsole theming
# Default is False
# When enabled, Konsole color scheme files are still generated, but not enforced
disable_konsole = False
[x] Opacity options were split into normal/dark mode:
# Konsole background opacity (normal and dark mode)
# An integer between 0 and 100
# Default is commented (opaque)
konsole_opacity = 100
konsole_opacity_dark = 100
# Title Bar opacity (normal and dark mode)
# Requires one of the following window decorations:
# Klassy https://github.com/paulmcauley/klassy || Sierra Breeze Enhanced https://github.com/kupiqu/SierraBreezeEnhanced
# An integer between 0 and 100
# Default is commented (opaque)
# This will reload KWin (screen will blink on x11)
titlebar_opacity = 100
titlebar_opacity_dark = 100
# ToolBar opacity (normal and dark mode) needs Lightly Application Style to work https://github.com/Luwx/Lightly
# An integer between 0 and 100
# Default is commented (opaque)
# kirigami ToolBar opacity is not affected by this option https://github.com/Luwx/Lightly/issues/128
toolbar_opacity = 100
toolbar_opacity_dark = 100
needs to be replaced bydisable_konsole