lukas-reineke / headlines.nvim

This plugin adds horizontal highlights for text filetypes, like markdown, orgmode, and neorg.
MIT License
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Please help style headlines in markdown #37

Open prankousky opened 2 years ago

prankousky commented 2 years ago

Hi everybody,

I just stumbled upon this plugin; since I use markdown a bunch, I wanted to integrate it in my workflow.

This is the ~/.config/nvim/plugin/headlines.vim file I started with:

lua << EOF

vim.cmd [[highlight Headline1 guibg=#F0F]]
vim.cmd [[highlight Headline2 guibg=#F0F]]
vim.cmd [[highlight CodeBlock guibg=#F0F]]
vim.cmd [[highlight Dash guibg=#F0F gui=bold]]

require("headlines").setup {
    markdown = {
        headline_highlights = { "Headline1", "Headline2" },

I used #F0F so that any changes would be clearly visible. But it seems like these lines don't make any difference, whether they are there, or not, or commented out.

I changed that file to the bare minimum as well

lua << EOF

What do I need to change in order to make it look like in the example image? Screenshot grafik

Example Image grafik

I also tried the default config, but it did not work. When I use this, I got some errors; I realized they could be solved by :TSInstall org, :TSInstall norg. I tried added the color modifying block again (see below image). However, after doing this, it looked like this


This is the file I used for the screenshot above

lua << EOF

vim.cmd [[highlight Headline1 guibg=#F0F]]
vim.cmd [[highlight Headline2 guibg=#F0F]]
vim.cmd [[highlight CodeBlock guibg=#F0F]]
vim.cmd [[highlight Dash guibg=#F0F gui=bold]]

require("headlines").setup {
    markdown = {
        query = vim.treesitter.parse_query(
                (atx_heading [
                ] @headline)

                (thematic_break) @dash

                (fenced_code_block) @codeblock

                (block_quote_marker) @quote
                (block_quote (paragraph (inline (block_continuation) @quote)))
        headline_highlights = { "Headline" },
        codeblock_highlight = "CodeBlock",
        dash_highlight = "Dash",
        dash_string = "-",
        quote_highlight = "Quote",
        quote_string = "┃",
        fat_headlines = true,
    rmd = {
        query = vim.treesitter.parse_query(
                (atx_heading [
                ] @headline)

                (thematic_break) @dash

                (fenced_code_block) @codeblock

                (block_quote_marker) @quote
                (block_quote (paragraph (inline (block_continuation) @quote)))
        treesitter_language = "markdown",
        headline_highlights = { "Headline" },
        codeblock_highlight = "CodeBlock",
        dash_highlight = "Dash",
        dash_string = "-",
        quote_highlight = "Quote",
        quote_string = "┃",
        fat_headlines = true,
    norg = {
        query = vim.treesitter.parse_query(
                ] @headline

                (weak_paragraph_delimiter) @dash
                (strong_paragraph_delimiter) @doubledash

                    name: (tag_name) @_name
                    (#eq? @_name "code")
                ) @codeblock (#offset! @codeblock 0 0 1 0))

                (quote1_prefix) @quote
        headline_highlights = { "Headline" },
        codeblock_highlight = "CodeBlock",
        dash_highlight = "Dash",
        dash_string = "-",
        doubledash_highlight = "DoubleDash",
        doubledash_string = "=",
        quote_highlight = "Quote",
        quote_string = "┃",
        fat_headlines = true,
    org = {
        query = vim.treesitter.parse_query(
                (headline (stars) @headline)

                    (expr) @dash
                    (#match? @dash "^-----+$")

                    name: (expr) @_name
                    (#eq? @_name "SRC")
                ) @codeblock

                (paragraph . (expr) @quote
                    (#eq? @quote ">")
        headline_highlights = { "Headline" },
        codeblock_highlight = "CodeBlock",
        dash_highlight = "Dash",
        dash_string = "-",
        quote_highlight = "Quote",
        quote_string = "┃",
        fat_headlines = true,

I like the way the colors are in the example image. Also, I am planning to use this exclusively for markdown (no org, no norg, nothing else); could you please tell me how a minimal configuration would have to look in order to make markdown files look like in the example? This way, I could build on top of it in case I want to change the look.

Thank you in advance for your help :)

lukas-reineke commented 2 years ago

#F0F is not a valid hex color in Neovim. You have to type it out, #FF00FF should work.

When I use this, I got some errors; [...] Also, I am planning to use this exclusively for markdown (no org, no norg, nothing else);

Just don't include the default values in your config, then you won't get any errors.

prankousky commented 2 years ago

Thank you. Using valid hex color works, and I got familiar with the syntax. I stripped the code down to what's below. I also tried to read the different :h headlines* files and believe the answer is "no", but I'll ask anyway: is it possible to get an icon similar to what you have in a headline / another headline etc. on the example image I posted in my initial questin?

It still displays # / ## etc. for me, but I use markdown, not org, so perhaps that's why.


lua << EOF

vim.cmd [[highlight Headline1 guibg=#2C6E00 guifg=#58DB01 gui=italic]]
vim.cmd [[highlight Headline2 guibg=#C8DB01 guifg=#2C6E00 gui=italic]]
vim.cmd [[highlight CodeBlock guibg=#07230E guifg=lightyellow]]
vim.cmd [[highlight Quote guifg=#0099EC]]
-- vim.cmd [[highlight Dash guibg=#58DB01]]
-- vim.cmd [[highlight Dash guifg=#58DB01 gui=bold]]

require("headlines").setup {
    markdown = {
        headline_highlights = {
        fat_headlines = false,
        fat_headline_upper_string = "▃",
        codeblock_highlight = "CodeBlock",
        quote_highlight = "Quote",
        -- quote_string = "┃",
        quote_string = ">> ",
        dash_highlight = "Dash",
        dash_string = "_",
lukas-reineke commented 2 years ago

The icons are not from this plugin. They are from But yes, it's orgmode only