luksfarris / deeprecsys

deeprecsys is a python package that simulates a Reinforcement Learning environment, using realistic Recommender System data. It includes a set of tools and agents.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add REINFORCE implementation #1

Closed luksfarris closed 3 years ago

luksfarris commented 3 years ago

Time is really limited right now, so we figured we'd test the Dueling implementation against REINFORCE and a soft actor critic agent. This way we get a q-value based model, a policy gradient, and an actor-critic. I had them implemented somewhere but I figured I'd try and use tf-agents for now. It may give me the possibility to easily test other agents, as well as include some monitoring tools.

The biggest challenges I think are dealing with slates, and the tensorflow dependency hell

luksfarris commented 3 years ago

After a lot of time spent on tf_agents, I decided to abandon it. Their implementation is very problematic, in terms of software engineering. Every new project I adopt from them is a new wrapper. A case in point is the concept of a reinforcement learning environment. It requires me to create a tf_agents wrapper, of a ml_fairness_gym wrapper, of a recsim wrapper, of a gym wrapper. Will resort to implementing REINFORCE myself