lushen124 / Universal-FE-Randomizer

Properly universal this time.
MIT License
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feedback and issues for the feedback jar (only if it is meant for also actual randomizing testing) #423

Open PurdraDan opened 1 year ago

PurdraDan commented 1 year ago

Hi, Idk if that jar is meant for actual feedback for a working randomizer or just for how the ui looks, but i found it by accident after i saw the latest messages i get from the email of this github. if it is not meant for actual randomizer feedback then sorry for posting the top part of this, the bottom is feedback of ui looks and feel.

But in case it is also for a working randomizer i would like to point out that some options are no longer showing in the changelog such as the options of constitution, move, affinity and randomize rewards. (also this was never in the changelog before but maybe show if the option "add random enemy drops" is chosen or not and % of it is shown in the top part) Also it does not actually randomize the rewards anymore. And it also does not apply the option of add random enemy drops. It might also be nice to have the changes of the statboosters appear in the changelog (awesome new feature btw I used to use a random wheel for this when i wanted to change some statboosters into others or change the values and then input it in manually).

That was just what i saw in a moment i don't want to waste time on it, if it isn't actually meant for randomizing feedback and testing.

UI feedback: When i first read in an email that you wanted to change the UI more to the one from pokemon and such(iirc) i was honestly really against the idea because I liked how it was even tho it was big sometimes and disliked the tabs idea it would become. But the more I saw in the emails the more I went into a complete 180 about that. The way it is implemented now is awesome and looks really good, the fact you can change between modes of everything and tabs is nice to have and makes a great combination of choosing the settings per tab and then being able to see them all at once to look over them again, especially in combination with the possibility of imp- and exportation of settings. great execution, really glad you did it!

I also like the new shuffle option, but not sure if the questionmark and the explanation of the new change description option are so great, because i thought the box would do the reverse of what it is actually doing at first, after knowing it I guess it kinda makes sense, but not completely. maybe removing the questionmark and replacing a part of the explanation with "Choosing this option will keep the unrandomized description." will help? not sure tho.

I am sorry if I am posting this in the wrong place or if the jar was not meant for public feedback.

EDIT: BTW only tested it with a fe7 rom EDIT2: spelling and grammar after rereading it

Geeene commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks a lot for the feedback. The feedback jar is intended for both GUI and randomization changes, so I will look into the topics that you mentioned not working πŸ˜‰.

It makes me happy to hear that the gui changes have grown on you. Lushen did request there be some way to have an overview of all the applied changes, so I thought that having the option to just swap back to the current GUI for that would be the easiest / most flexible way to achieve that goal.

I also like the new shuffle option, but not sure if the questionmark and the explanation of the new change description option are so great, because i thought the box would do the reverse of what it is actually doing at first, after knowing it I guess it kinda makes sense, but not completely. maybe removing the questionmark and replacing a part of the explanation with "Choosing this option will keep the unrandomized description." will help? not sure tho.

Oh I Actually less think that is an issue with phrasing, and more that it is just bugged. lol.


When it is collecting the options to prepare for the randomization, it initializes the value of if it should change the description to the feature (shuffling in general) being enabled, i.e. it will always be activated, and therefore always change the descriptions.

Pretty sure that was something I had seen before, just was a mistake I made while merging my different PRs together

PurdraDan commented 1 year ago

Ah okay glad it is usefull, so any idea when a next version or test will come out? Cause otherwise I will probably just play this feedback version to test and enjoy the shuffle and the randomization working with some options previously broken. I use this randomizer a lot, ever since the old one, but I usually don't comment on most stuff because I can't code and don't think my input is worth it in that case, I read everything tho. if you guys ever need playtesting I would probably do it the moment I see a new version, but I am not really active in the fe community, basicly the only thing I follow is this github πŸ˜…

Geeene commented 1 year ago

Ah okay glad it is usefull, so any idea when a next version or test will come out?

I'll try to fix the issues and update the feeedback jar here later toady. EDIT: Done

I use this randomizer a lot, ever since the old one, but I usually don't comment on most stuff because I can't code and don't think my input is worth it in that case, I read everything tho

Just because one doesn't know how to code, it doesn't mean ones input isn't worth it. Especially when it comes to what features should be considered, having people that use the randomizer a lot give some input would certainly be useful

PurdraDan commented 1 year ago

It might be because of the shuffle feature but i have in FE7 CH3 (florina) now Saleh spawn with a C rank weapon while having a half E rank image image

More Edits: Another great example is Garcia getting replaced by Pent with a Vidofnir rank S weapon while only having E rank in both weapon ranks image image

He is also still pretty high in stats image

My best guess would be, it is because they are PrePromotes in the other game and weapon assignment is linked to that instead of the replaced stats. Concerning the higher stats maybe make it so there is an option to let PrePromotes only be replaced by other PrePromotes, about the same way as Class assignment does it? Or reduce the stats more heavily for ExPrePromotes. Because in some runs you now have a lot of units replaced by prepromotes, and they can make it a real walk in the park for the player.

Edit Also the droppable items are not actual (green)droppable items, unless you have a thief of course, don't know if that was intended or not repeat of #357 but is also applicable for 7

Geeene commented 1 year ago

on the Saleh example, that is a bug caused by the current character shuffling implementation trying to "scale" the weapon levels. But the weapon assignment logic can only handle full weapon ranks. So E + 5wexp is considered as No Weapon Rank. So it just selects anything.

There are multiple ways to fix this:

  1. Overtake current Recruitment randomizer weapon rank logic (probably most sensible option)
  2. Round ranks to the nearest full rank after scaling
  3. Make weapon assignment logic work with partial ranks (This never happens in vanilla)
PurdraDan commented 1 year ago

Saleh I now understand, but is there a reason why Serra(replacing franz in ch2 FE8) receives a C-rank lance? In this case it doesn't matter too much because she also receives an iron lance.

image image

or Roy as a journeyman(2) with D rank spawns with Garm an S rank weapon

image image

Also Thea's portrait doesn't load in properly in at least FE8 image