Closed Lenergy1982-droid closed 2 weeks ago
PpMaybe display.init(1)? (see in other issues)
Thanks!! Strange how could I miss one of the previous issues, where kdschlosser describes it..
However ili9341 still doesn't work) Whether I use host 1or 2, display.init(1) or display.init(2), comment or uncomment reset_state=ili9341.STATE_LOW, it is still white or gray. Maybe the problem is the pins chosen? I took them from here: This is the extract:
The SPI2 (VSPI) default pins are: gpio.12 SCK Defined as SPI0_SCK gpio.11 MOSI Defined as SPI0_MOSI gpio.13 MISO Defined as SPI0_MISO gpio.10 CSO Defined as SPI_CS0
it could be the pins being used are not in alignment with the host being used. You should be using host=1
Yeah, with ili9341 I will change pins and add the task handler, I think everything is going to be okay. Thanks one more time!!
no worries m8. easy to diagnose problem with a super simple fix.
Hello! I'm trying to get working this combination of hardware: esp32-S3-Devkit-1N16R8 with PSRAM + ili9341 display + xpt2046 touchscreen. My build string: python3 esp32 clean BOARD=ESP32_GENERIC_S3 BOARD_VARIANT=SPIRAM_OCT --flash_size 16 DISPLAY=ili9341 INDEV=xpt2046
Using code, published here: and during start this error occurs (while the display shoes only white screen):
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 34, in
File "", line 487, in init
ImportError: no module named '_ili9341_init'
Exact code:
I tried to download a previous version of and (sorry, can't say what exact version) and put them into the project dir on the flash, but no luck - the error message doesn't appear, and the screen is still blank.
I also changed host number to 1 and changed the pins to:
spi_bus = SPI.Bus(host=1, mosi=14, miso=41, sck=13)
, but it didn't help.
I'm asking for assistance from those, who managed to get this setup work properly, cause there are no more alternatives in the code to try - I've tried to change almost all parameters.
Big thanks in advance!!