lwilio / group-rooms-demo

Simple videoconferencing service created using Twilio's Programmable Video Group Rooms API
MIT License
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Twilio Group Rooms Demo

This application is a simple videoconferencing service created using Twilio's Programmable Video Group Rooms API. Before begin, we need to collect all the config values we need to run the application:

A Note on API Keys

When you generate an API key pair at the URLs above, your API Secret will only be shown once - make sure to save this in a secure location, or possibly your ~/.bash_profile.

Setting Up The Application

Create a configuration file for your application:

cp env.template .env

Edit .env with the configuration parameters we gathered from above.

Next, we need to install our dependencies from npm:

npm install

Now, copy npm dependencies required by client.js:

npm run doCopy

Running the room service

./ngrok http 8080
node roomServer.js my-room-name

roomServer.js command line parameters

node roomServer.js room-name protocol port

Connecting to the room service

createComposition.js command line parameters

node createComposition.js room-sid layout options
