Open jamesmrollins opened 2 years ago
Sim UI 3/2
As per conversation 3/7 with @dkngenda:
Hi @hirenp-waferwire. Please take a look at the ggplot discussion above. We will need the ability to receive data and plot data accordingly. Is there a java, JSON or R Code emulator that could support the ggplot2 functionality? Let me know if you want to discuss. Meanwhile, I will work with @jeffhoerle to determine how we might move the data across the platforms.
As per SWG 3/9
"LocationSID Export" tab has been implemented and is now published to PROD.
As per 9/14 Sim UI Workflow mtg:
FYI: @emilymetcalf114
2445 Team PSD 3.0 - 9 Data Feeds
2348 User needs more accurate time reporting of Sim UI events.