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wk2 oct_epic Bug: _team world in sim ui not loading #2755

Closed emilymetcalf114 closed 1 year ago

emilymetcalf114 commented 1 year ago

During training_workflow 10/13 @emilymetcalf114 , @lijenn , and @epearman

Both Emily (Chrome) and Jenn (Chrome and Edge) tried to enter the sim_ui for MTL blue team (meeting time on Thursdays at 11am) _team world, and got grey loading screen that never finished loading.

Emily tried clearing cache/cookies and logging back in and tried again, same issue.

Emily tried earlier in the morning ~7:30 am and again ~10:45am with Jenn during training_workflow.

the _shared world loaded, and so did the _team worlds for our other two current live session teams.


  1. When was the bug discovered? 10/13, ~7:30am, again 10:30 - 11am
  2. Is this an invidivual or shared world? _team world
jamesmrollins commented 1 year ago

@emilymetcalf114 Did anyone hit control-F5? It's a cache problem.

emilymetcalf114 commented 1 year ago


Jenn (edge) and I (Chrome) both tried pressing control-F5 while the page was loading and reloaded the page just now, still didn't load. and I cleared all my cache as well.


jamesmrollins commented 1 year ago

@emilymetcalf114 When I get to the airport, I will look into it and see if I suffer the same fate.

jamesmrollins commented 1 year ago

@emilymetcalf114 can you click the drop down in the error messages and capture those please?

jamesmrollins commented 1 year ago

Hi @emilymetcalf114 - Ok - not working for me either. Not sure if this is the Sim UI or at the server level, I will investigate forthwith and get back to you.

@hirenp-waferwire Please see below. I will also inform David B at Forio.

image image image
emilymetcalf114 commented 1 year ago

@jamesmrollins looks like you got the same errors pulled down but here are my screen shots too: FYI this team is fully prepped and will meet again in a week on 10/20. Thanks!! image image

jamesmrollins commented 1 year ago

We'll have it fixed by then.

jamesmrollins commented 1 year ago

Hi @emilymetcalf114 - The Sim UI appears to be working now. FYI @hirenp-waferwire



The session for this TD file was a legacy session using a corrupt TD file. The good TD file now showing for this team was corrected in the Fac DB screen. Thus, the session was never reset with the good TD file, and the corrupt TD file (XXXX_XXX) was deleted.

Please Confirm

Meanwhile, back at the ranch


jamesmrollins commented 1 year ago

@emilymetcalf114 here is the server log verifying the "lost file" error:


jamesmrollins commented 1 year ago

The TD corruption issue was created when a user downloaded a converted, previously uploaded TD file from the Sim ui. When the user uploaded the previously converted file, it corrupted it. This has been resolved.