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2024_feb_roadmap #story_l: Test Self-Registration #3026

Closed ljmoody closed 7 months ago

ljmoody commented 10 months ago

Laura and Jenn test the facility self-registration at https://mtl.how/test.

To test 2/15:

lijenn commented 10 months ago

@tejaspesquare Please see @ljmoody and my user test feedback below:

Let us know if you have any questions!

ljmoody commented 10 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare - thanks for giving a đź‘Ť so we know you see messages @lijenn and I post. We would like to test the self-registration process and documentation with users next week (on Nov 29).

tejaspesquare commented 10 months ago

Hello @ljmoody , @lijenn & @jamesmrollins - taken up this enhancement on priority & done top 5 points & it is available in Test environment. Regarding point #6, there is a dependency on API & we have sent query to David for his input. Hence, we will be able to give estimation (on #6) after getting response from David. Thanks!

tejaspesquare commented 10 months ago

@lijenn can you please elaborate on this point #6 - All teams that register in the self-registration. What exactly it means. How we can identify teams are registered as self-registration. From API (Epicenter) we don't have any bifurcation on type of teams. We shall proceed once this doubt is clear.

lijenn commented 10 months ago

@tejaspesquare Users who have the administrative_login privilege should have access to any team that is set up or exists in the Sim UI (whether the user was added to the team or not).

For example, if a doctor created a team/world using the self-registration, anyone who has the administrative_login privilege should have access to the team that the doctor created. Assume that they did not add Laura and I to the team/world either.

However, because Laura and I have the administrative_login privilege, Laura and I could still access and see the doctor's team/world without being added as a member. This is in case the doctor has questions in the world/team, Laura and I can access it to help them.

This is the administrative_login: image

Please let me know if you need more clarification and if we need to meet to talk about this!

tejaspesquare commented 10 months ago

@lijenn Thank you for detailed response. I think it answered now. Whoever is logged in with administrator_login world will be able to see entire list of teams available in SIM UI.

Here self registration follows for this step, correct? Or do we have a separate self registration portal exist & I'm not aware? i.e. Login -> Register for First Time

Self Registration

lijenn commented 10 months ago

@tejaspesquare Yes! That screen is the self-registration process.

lijenn commented 10 months ago

@tejaspesquare Laura and I got to test with members on our team, here's more feedback.

Note for point 6: I believe the feature was working before Hiren left. So there may just be a bug somewhere/unsure why the feature stopped working.

These 2 errors occurred in the team, shared, and individual worlds for users who registered using the self-registration form .

They should just see the data files they:

tejaspesquare commented 10 months ago

@lijenn 1.Point 7 & 8 - We have added additional drop-down value under clinic as 'select' so that it will work according to notes for Point 7 & 8. Otherwise, it will have one clinic value default selected.

2.Point 15 - It required to analyze existing code which allow us to filter shared worlds who do not have administrator_login privilege.

3.Point 16 - Delete & upload button works for us. image

After Delete image

4.Point 17 - It required to investigate functionality & possibility to filter records based on self registered users. Need to find API support this.

tejaspesquare commented 10 months ago

@lijenn Development on points 7 To 14 is completed & available on dev environment. I will check with James if we can proceed to deploy on TEST-Slow.

ljmoody commented 9 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare - is there an update on when you might deploy the changes to TEST-Slow? If possible, I'd like to take new screenshots and incorporate into the documentation before our test training session this Thursday.

FYI - @lijenn

tejaspesquare commented 9 months ago

@ljmoody Changes are moved to test. Kindly verify & let us know your comments. Note: Please ignore Flow Meter of 'Team Flow'. Kept on hold & suggest if required to hide it. Sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

ljmoody commented 9 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare. Please incorporate the comments below on self-registration windows and popups:

@lijenn - FYI

tejaspesquare commented 9 months ago

@ljmoody @lijenn - Point 3 (5th Dec communication) - Popup approver message working fine. Not sure why it is not reflected on your side. Do clear cache & delete histories may fix issue automatically.

image (1)

tejaspesquare commented 9 months ago

@ljmoody @jamesmrollins @lijenn - Regarding Point No 17. 'Users who registered using the self-registration form should not be able to see all the existing data files in the Sim UI. We do not want users to be able to access and view every single data file from other people and clinical teams uploaded in the Sim UI.'

Actually, we were looking for API which retrieve list of data files uploaded by self registered user & based on results we can differentiate file uploaded by self registered user or administrator_login user. Current API response details is not enough so we contacted David for the same & received response as below:

"The project file system is, unsurprisingly, backed by a file system. The owner of that file system is necessarily the entity executing file operations, which is epicenter. Neither your users nor anyone else’s holds an actual user account as far as the file system is concerned, so we have no way to provide that information. However, if you’re making the api calls, I would guess you do, and could keep a history, or shadow file information. You would need a convenient data storage system for that kind of information. We do provide the vault api for just this sort of usage. It is a storage system for loosely structured data of your choosing (actually a json store, actually backed by mongodb). The vault api…


…can be complex, but utilizes the same building blocks as the rest of the v3 api, such as scope and permit. Proper usage takes some thought and planning, as does the proper usage of any data store, towards capabilities and long term data evolution. "

So, at this moment we (Ask EHS Team) are unsure about efforts & possible solution however we can give a try when time permits.

ljmoody commented 9 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare. I'm sorry about this:

@ljmoody - Can't access attachments. Could you please reshare it for our reference.

I've revised the attachments and my comments in the post above. Clearing the cache did change some things; thank you for suggesting that and being patient.

I can confirm that this message is corrected now:

@ljmoody @lijenn - Point 3 (5th Dec communication) - Popup approver message working fine. Not sure why it is not reflected on your side. Do clear cache & delete histories may fix issue automatically.

tejaspesquare commented 9 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare. Please incorporate the comments below on self-registration windows and popups:

  • [x] 1. On the self-registration form, please uncapitalize the O and A (highlighted in yellow); I missed that detail before: 1
  • [x] 2. On the first person to register popup:
  • Change "lower-case" (highlighted in yellow) to "lowercase"
  • Please remove the space (highlighted in yellow) in the example given so it reads: "v21_640a0_mpd_green_bhip" 2
  • [x] 3. The popup approver message I'm seeing is still the same. From point 14 above, change "Your registration has been forwarded to the Approver." to "Your registration has been forwarded to MTL for approval." Use the same font and font size as before, don't change the font/size to the "Sta3n" and "Sta6a" text.
  • [x] 4. In the approval email, please (highlighted in yellow):
  • change T to lowercase
  • change the comma to a period: 4

@lijenn - FYI

@ljmoody - Above changes are moved to TEST-Slow environment.

lijenn commented 9 months ago

Thanks @tejaspesquare! Here's the latest feedback. We're almost there!

Dear Jennifer,

Sorry! We had trouble registering your account or team.

Please use our team naming convention for your team name:

Need more help? Email: MTL.Help@va.gov (note to dev: please hyperlink the MTL.Help@va.gov email)

Go back to the sign up page here. (note to dev: use the link currently in "Go Back" in the old email template and put it in "here" in the new template).

Thanks! Modeling to Learn (note to dev: please italicize "Modeling to Learn" and "Need more help?")


For example, here's a random quick tip after I click "Play":


All quick tips are located here:


FYI @ljmoody, recommended some new language above, so screenshots might need to change. Lmk if you need help with that!

tejaspesquare commented 9 months ago

@lijenn - From latest list change pending for Point no 26 (quick tips). Rest all points are moved to TEST-Slow. Point 20 - We have not made any change. Can you please check once if it is working or not


ljmoody commented 9 months ago

Hello @tejaspesquare ,

  1. Please italicize MTL in the popup message below:

approve popup

tejaspesquare commented 9 months ago

Hello @tejaspesquare ,

  1. Please italicize MTL in the popup message below:

approve popup

@ljmoody - This is updated & can be verified in TEST-Slow.

lijenn commented 9 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare Laura and I do not see the MTL being italicized in the popup yet. I checked in both TEST-Slow and Dev but I still see this:

tejaspesquare commented 9 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare Laura and I do not see the MTL being italicized in the popup yet. I checked in both TEST-Slow and Dev but I still see this:


@lijenn - Now, it should work. Merge was pending on GitHub. Sorry for inconvenience. image

lijenn commented 9 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare Any updates on 15, 16, and 26?

tejaspesquare commented 9 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare Any updates on 15, 16, and 26?

@lijenn - Please see my response below Point 15 - Team will be focused on Casual Loop Diagrams till 18th or 19th. After this they will start looking into Vault API stuff for which we got response from David on our query for filter worlds. Point 16 - Its working on our end. Can you please check again if its working or not. Point 26 - This will be available to you by 19th or 20th Dec.


ljmoody commented 8 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare. @lijenn and I had a Sim UI test session today. We're following up with the following:

Is there an update for Point 15?

  1. Hide the Shared world for all users that do not have the administrative_login privilege. Only users who have the administrative_login should be able to see all the registered teams, ind, and shared worlds.

Is there an update for Point 26?

  1. When the screen is loading after clicking the green "GO!" button, include quick tips while the page is loading:

New request:

tejaspesquare commented 8 months ago

Hi @ljmoody -

  1. Point 26 - Quick tips available on TEST-Slow. Can you please check once at your end too.


  1. Point 27 - This is fixed & will be moved to TEST-Slow by EOD.
  2. Point 15 & 17 - We have just begun to look into this requirement. We need to explore Vault API underlying functionalities & its implementation for our problem. Expecting series of communications with David (Epicenter) for this matter. Will keep you informed of any developments.
lijenn commented 8 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare, for 26. quick tips, I do not see it in Test-Slow yet:

tejaspesquare commented 8 months ago

Hi @lijenn : Point 26 - Thank you for notify. This is resolved now & moved to Test-Slow.

ljmoody commented 8 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare and thank you for your updates. I verified that:

FYI @lijenn

ljmoody commented 8 months ago

Hi, @tejaspesquare James let us know you're making progress on the API issue. Do you have any further updates for us?

tejaspesquare commented 8 months ago

@ljmoody - We are coordinating with Daivd. So far, we have successfully inserted sample data through vault API. Now, we will look into how actual objects need to bind & save using Vault API.

tejaspesquare commented 7 months ago

@ljmoody , @lijenn - Point 15. Hide the Shared world for all users that do not have the administrative_login privilege. -> This is moved to TEST-Slow. Kindly test & provide your feedback. Note: At moment have verified with self-registered accounts.

ljmoody commented 7 months ago

Jenn and Laura have completed testing, so we are closing this card. Point 17 remains, and is being tracked as a bug under #3091.