m1cr0lab-esp32 / remote-control-with-websocket

ESP32 Remote Control with WebSocket
MIT License
36 stars 19 forks source link

Just a thank you! #2

Open rheinz opened 4 years ago

rheinz commented 4 years ago


Thanks for the excellent tutorial. Well structured and easy to follow.

I've gone through it using an ESP8266 NodeMCU board which doesn't require any additional hardware due to on-board button and LED. Maybe the result can be useful for people more interested in the software part and having a NodeMCU board lying around: https://github.com/rheinz/remote-control-with-websocket


m1cr0lab commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your nice feedback on the tutorial. I hope you found some interesting things.

And thank you also for your version adapted to the NodeMCU board (with the ESP8266 module). For interested readers who would like to better visualize the changes in the code, it might be interesting to have a look at the differences.

All the best

fritsjan commented 3 years ago

Hi Steph,

Likewise, a big thank you! I was on the verge of writing a similar tutorial, just because I could not find one with the same approach you did, and then I stumbled on yours. It is of excellent high quality and soo much better than most tutorials I have found on the web. It opened my eyes to more things, for example, the use of structs for the LED and Button. I am now implementing this in most of my work.

I am not enrolled in RNT, and I see they do not encourage you to make more tutorials (esp32 gameconsole), so for me no reason to enroll anymore ;-)

I would like to contact you to pick your mind on some programming tricks you seem to have (learned) and where I could find them to master them. I will try to send you a pm (if that is possible here ;-)

m1cr0lab commented 3 years ago

Hi Frits Jan,

Thank you for your kind message. It's always a pleasure to receive thanks like yours, especially since I receive very few despite the time spent writing all this. And it is by receiving testimonials like yours that I can be sure that I am not wasting my time. My greatest gratification is to see that I have been able to light your way by giving you a few keys so that you can progress and move forward with your projects. I thank you warmly for taking the time to send me your kind message.

As far as RNT is concerned, I have to admit that I was quite disconcerted to see that they were not inclined to offer me a small space to give more visibility to my work when I was proposing to display it under their banner! But hey... that's okay. I'm doing the best I can. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to manage a blog and a community. But I will continue to publish on GitHub Pages other tutorials to share my experience on the key points I've encountered in my projects. I just need to find time for that.

Finally, I would be very happy to get in touch with you so that we can share our mutual experiences on areas we seem to share. I have found a way to get in touch with you. You will receive a message from me very soon ;-)

fritsjan commented 3 years ago

to make it easier for you: this is my website: www.productbakery.com ;-)

But I am very curious about the way you found to connect with me, lets try that first!

m1cr0lab commented 3 years ago

I just went through your website this morning, and I filled in the contact form :-D (At the very bottom of the page... "Zin in thee?") Didn't you get my message?

fritsjan commented 3 years ago

No, apparently I have some issues there due to spam. You can email me directly at info @ ….

m1cr0lab commented 3 years ago

Done ;-)