m2ms / fragalysis-frontend

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upload_2 NGL view is blank (CHIKV) #1492

Open mwinokan opened 2 weeks ago

mwinokan commented 2 weeks ago

The CHIKV_Mac target on staging is exhibiting some issues, it's unclear what the cause is yet, but following an upload_2 the ligands, protein, and ribbon do not render for upload_1 datasets.

Please investigate ASAP, I can provide the tarballs if needed

mwinokan commented 2 weeks ago

From Jasmin in slack:

I aligned my fragment screen and uploaded it to Fragalysis successfully. When that worked, I added more datasets by rerunning XCA into upload_2. I then zipped upload_2 and uploaded it to Fragalysis. That worked and the new datasets from upload_2 are displayed but when I want to show one of the datasets uploaded during upload_1, I get a black screen. Would I have needed to zip upload_1 and 2 and for uploading the files aligned into upload_2? I am talking about the CHIKV_Mac target on staging Fragalysis with the zipped files in /dls/labxchem/data/lb32633/lb32633-6/processing/analysis/xchemalign labelled with today’s date. Eg New is 6w8y and ‘old’ is cx300

mwinokan commented 1 week ago

@kaliif is working on it, and it might be finished today. However, it is now likely to be a breaking change so should be part of green.

mwinokan commented 1 week ago

@kaliif I just tested this by reuploading a upload_1 and upload_2 and the ligand, ribbons, and protein are still missing from CHIKV_Mac on staging

mwinokan commented 1 week ago

@kaliif @boriskovar-m2ms I was testing with CHIKV_Mac on Kalev's stack. The ligand, protein, and density views are now working but the ribbon is missing.

kaliif commented 1 week ago

@mwinokan @boriskovar-m2ms which data is the ribbon rendered from? Some of the queries seem to be without response (although they're not reported as 404 either), such as https://fragalysis-kalev-default.xchem-dev.diamond.ac.uk/api/site_observations/?target=1. Although trying it directly gives you the list of observations, so I'm not sure what to think of it.