ma1co / OpenMemories-Tweak

Unlock your Sony camera's settings
MIT License
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Feature: Streaming to other than uStream #224

Open mungewell opened 6 years ago

mungewell commented 6 years ago

Some of the Action Cams support streaming to the uStream service, via connecting to camera to a WiFi hotspot. It seems many on the internet would like to be able to stream high quality images to difference services, or even their own PCs.

The streaming seems to be done via the 'ustream.apk' installed on the camera, for as100: fw_as100\firmware.tar_unpacked\0700_part_image\dev\nflasha16_unpacked_unpacked\app\ustream.apk

Note: This is different from Liveview/Playback streaming (over Sony Remote APK), which is low quality/low frame rate.

Looks like the 'keys' have already been identified in the sister project: (

Is it possible to have a page to set these to point at other services (ie. YouTube)? Would it actually work?

mungewell commented 6 years ago

Seems the 'normal' setup procedure is to log into uStream with username to get a camera-id/auth-token from uStream via the 'Network Settings Tool' (Sony's desktop app).

I assume that these are these keys:

  ('macId', Struct.STR % 41),
  ('macSecret', Struct.STR % 41),

Resolutions offered appear to be 640x360 or 1280x720. The other strings shown in the video clip seem to make sense against the keys too. With 'LiveStreamingServiceInfo3' keys being related to 'recording' (saving) a copy of the video at uStream. Social media settings line up with "LiveStreamingSNSInfo".

The APK has a library '' filled with functions referencing 'RTMP' :-)

mungewell commented 6 years ago

Added some code to read all the Streaming settings, dump them to file and write the 'adjusted' social settings back to the camera. WIP code here:

Need to think more how to write the other settings....

It seem that ustream keys (set by 'Network Settings Tool') are plain ascii strings, and that they are NOT able to be revoked (so be careful what you post!)

Service:            0
Enabled:            1
macId:              27aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa77
macSecret:          ceaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa0d
macIssueTime:       fc8f075a00000000 <--- binascii coded hex
videoFormat:        3
enableRecordMode:   0
videoDescription:   Shot 100% with Sony's Action Cam #SonyActionCam #ProveYourself
twitterEnabled:     0
twitterConsumerKey: o9aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaqg <--- I didn't set this!
twitterConsumerSecret: TTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasA
twitterMessage:     Live Streaming from Action Cam by PONY
facebookEnabled:    0
facebookMessage:    Live Streaming from Action Cam by PONY
mungewell commented 6 years ago

The API also returns 'channel' and 'supportedFormats'. Don't know why these aren't stored within the 'info[1..3]' data blocks.

The channel number is a INT32 which correlates to the Ustream RTMP URL from website "Settings/Broadcast/Encoder", ie rtmp://

'videoFormat' is 1=640x360 or 3=1280x720, these are the only 'supportedFormats' that my camera issues (HDR-AS100).

'macId' and 'macSecret' do not match anything on the website settings. These seem to be issued as/with a separate scheme. Maybe there is some magic correlation of these to the channel key...

mungewell commented 6 years ago

Another thing to note is that 'macId' and 'macSecret' are both 40 hex characters (limited to 0..9, a..f), whereas the uStream 'channel key' is 32 alpha-numeric characters (upper and lower case).

mungewell commented 6 years ago

uStream documentation confirms that they are using OAuth2, with 'Hmac-sha1'. Fits with the observed 40 character id/secret.

'' from the on camera APK contains hard-coded URLs:

mungewell commented 6 years ago

Can now read/write the WiFi settings ('MultiWiFi' does not work with AS100, even though the camera supports it). Also cleaned up the code and formated the output/input files to be more readable and easier to edit.

mercier999 commented 6 years ago

fdr-ax33 and fdr-ax53 also support streaming to the uStream service. If you could find an option to add an RTMP Url, then the camera could stream anywhere: Facebook, YouTube, etc.

Novex commented 6 years ago

I managed to convince my FDR-X3000 to send the rtmp stream to a custom server instead of ustream. From what I found it may not be possible for it to talk natively to rtmp servers without some translation in between.

It looks like sony/ustream implement some custom extensions to rtmp? Basically, the x3000 just sat there spinning after it established the connection with the custom server and sent the publish rtmp command. I was testing with nginx-rtmp-module, which has worked well for everything else I've used it for.

In the network dump I have with the x3000 talking to ustream, the publish command was followed by the ustream server sending back broadcastStarted and recordStarted rtmp messages, then the camera started sending what looks like data. I couldn't find any mention of these messages in the rtmp spec though.

I also say "what looks like data" because Wireshark couldn't seem to decode the audio/video packets sent to ustream (it shows them as Unknown). This also makes me feel like a normal rtmp implementation may not be able to understand them either. I'm happy to be wrong here though.

Here are the pcap's for both sessions to ustream and to custom servers. I've deleted the ustream account that I used so hopefully there isn't anything sensitive in them (except maybe the wall that I recorded ;).

transelement commented 6 years ago

Hi @Novex, I found this issue while searching Google in attempts to solve the challenge of getting these awesome cameras to stream to something other than Ustream (who mangles the crap out the video, I might add). I eventually became stuck roughly where you are (were?) but eventually had a breakthrough. Apologies if this is long winded but hopefully this helps someone along the way who finds this 👍

A quick background for posterity sake... I'm using DNS to hijack the call to which returns an IP running nginx that serves up a channels.json containing the RTMP URL of the nginx-rtmp instance I run. I have a feeling you're doing something similar.

The camera would connect, spit some video for roughly 40 seconds and then it would disconnect then reconnect for no obvious reason. Rinse, repeat. I went back-and-forth comparing pcap output from a successful Ustream session to my own failing sessions and there was one thing that stuck out at me.....

During my reverse engineering process I was curious how the "viewer count" system worked inclusive of the blinking vs. solid blue light when you have viewers. I discovered that Ustream/Sony is cleverly (credit where credit is due) bundling this information within RTMP response packets via AMF0 command message extensions: Image of Wireshark output (I actually believe these are AMF3, but whatever, I'm not an expert, beer and bonus points for anyone who can school me!)

My hypothesis became these messages are a hitch pin of sorts that the camera depends on to keep connected and without, would assume there is no real connection to Ustream and to bail.

My next crack at the nut became modifying nginx-rtmp-module to spoof those AMF messages periodically and see if that made things happy. I began to modify ngtinx-rtmp-module and started by using the ping functionality as the reference framework. This is when things became slightly more interesting. At first I wanted to observe the RTMP ping/pong on the wire and couldn't get nginx to ping despite:

rtmp {
  server {
    listen 1935;
    ping 20s;

so digging into the code I found this in ngx_rtmp_handler.c:

    /* i/o event has happened; no need to ping */
    if (s->ping_reset) {

which means if there is active RTMP i/o don't bother pinging. A reasonable assumption I suppose. So in order to achieve my objective of capturing ping/pong on the wire, I just commented that exception out, recompiled and ran another try at streaming..........

and surprise! The session remained open for hours, appeased with only the ping from nginx and no need to spoof the AMF! I was blown away.

So.... my interim solution is to let my forced ping solution keep the session open and go out and shoot some live streams with this thing! My long term solution is to actually followup on "spoofing" those AMF messages so that I can use that to manipulate the viewer count and LED blinking for my own purposes.

I have modified nginx-rtmp-module and introduced a configuration option force_ping which defaults to off but when set to on will force RTMP pings despite active I/O:

rtmp {
  server {
    listen 1935;
    ping 20s;
    force_ping on;

I have done limited testing and it's playing nicely. This will have to do for now until I can get the proper AMF "spoofing" idea implemented. That will require a bit of thinking.

A couple additional observations:

I'm not sure how all of this will ultimately help this project but maybe some of this information will allow for the reverse engineering of the camera uStream APK itself, getting nginx out of the picture.

So happy I don't have to resort to a GoPro 💯 Best of luck all.

mungewell commented 6 years ago

Looks like good progress has been made. Can anyone recomend a good way of building a local RMTP server for testing, for example a LiveCD distro that can be modified.

It's noted above that the APK uses a fixed URL to send the video. There are a couple of parameters in the (on camera) uStream configuration, did anyone try adjusting these to see if they change the behavior?





mungewell commented 6 years ago

Mentioned above there is a hardcoded URL, digging into the '' file I found this:

Attempting to 'wget' this from Ustream results in an auth error. I am assuming the contents of this needs to be spoofed to get us going, but what should it have?

In preparing to build my own RTMP server I rebuilt the 'libnginx-mod-rtmp' Ubuntu18.04 package with @transelement 'force-ping' patch included ( ). This can be installed on a live-cd, virtual machine, or full system.

But how should you configure nginx? Any guidance would be appreciated...

Novex commented 6 years ago

@transelement holy moly that's awesome! Thank you so much for the detailed write-up and sorry about the late reply (apparently I missed the gh notification then it was gone to the nether :( )

Yeah, I hijacked dns and just had a python server returning my dummy channels.json data. @mungewell, those scrips might help you with what you need to return, eg. the channels.json response I used looks like this (I'm not sure if that channel id needs to actually match):


Also I don't remember fiddling with the unknown or service parameters in the config.

I'm still holding out hope to get a stream direct to any RTMP server, I was going to start investigating the custom app launcher mentioned here (which overwrites the ustream application, I'm not sure if that can be reversed).

I think you're possibly on the money with the changing publishing endpoints since I don't remember dealing with those - thank you for letting me know! I might take another crack at this now that you've confirmed it's possible :)

If you've got any other info to share as well I'm all ears! I'll keep you posted if I find out anything else when I get a chance to take another look.

mungewell commented 6 years ago

@Novex thanks for the info.

As you are just using a python script to MIM and fake up the initial web server, any reason why the camera itself could serve this file to itself?

BTW: overwriting the uSteam APK on that over bug is just as those camera have a limited UI and this just gives us a point of launching our code... it could be another RTMP streamer I guess.

mungewell commented 6 years ago

I was able to configure a Live-CD Ubuntu (Xubuntu really) with NetManager faking up an AP and nginx with the patched rtmp module. My AS100V camera will connect the AP and pull the 'channels.json' file, but then it does not seem to send any actual data.

Nginx logs only show when the RTMP is stopped (ie, by pressing stop on camera).

Configuration is included in this 'tar'. settings.tar.gz

Without the patched module it reconnects every 40s. - - [21/May/2018:01:00:10 +0000] "GET /users/self/channels.json?detail_level=broadcaster HTTP/1.1" 200 135 "-" "Ustream-110-1/1.30dd916" [21/May/2018:01:00:50 +0000] PUBLISH "live" "broadcaster/live3024" "" - 898 409 "" "LNX 9,0,124,0" (40s) [21/May/2018:01:01:36 +0000] PUBLISH "live" "broadcaster/live9459" "" - 898 409 "" "LNX 9,0,124,0" (40s)

Is it just me, or my camera...?

[EDIT] Thought it was worth stressing that the computer does not have connection to the internet, is just faking up an AP for the camera to connect to. Not sure whether the camera needs to connect somewhere to complete it's setup. Tcpdumps of the partial connect attached: tcpdump.txt

I also note that for the AS100V (at least) if the channel number in the 'channels.json' file does not match the internal setting, the camera will flash the red light periodically (rather than being solid) and it seems to be locked up - does not respond to the stop button and needs a battery out to recover.

Novex commented 6 years ago

@mungewell I tried this tonight and I'm seeing similar results to you - my x3000 connects and has the spinner on screen infinitely (but no flashing red light). Wireshark doesn't show it sending any data other than the ping responses and the initial connection. nginx-rtmp-server shows the device as connected and i can see it publish to the broadcaster/live1111 endpoint, but it doesn't show any I/O traffic and lists the state as idle instead of active.

Also my fake AP provides internet access to the camera, so I think you might be able to rule that out.

@transelement did you change anything else with your config? The only thing I can think is I set my camera to livestream in HD if you perhaps left it as SD? If not, could I bother you for a .pcap of your working setup so I can try to trace where I'm going wrong?

mungewell commented 6 years ago

@Novex thanks again for testing, seems that our two cameras are doing exactly the same :-(. Maybe @transelement has a different camera and/or setup.

Looking again at the code on the camera, I see that the ustream lib has more hardcoded URLs. The one with '%' suggests that the code has variables for these, and that URL matches the format of the publishing link sent in 'channels.json' from UStream.

$ strings  | grep ""

I wondered whether the camera is double checking the 'channels.json' that it receives, and refusing to play (or just getting confused).

I copied the official 'channels.json' file (pulled from your PCAP), and attached a sanatized version here ( channels_full.json.txt ). This requires a few more DNS spoofs... Unfortunately playback still fails to start, but this might be helpful to others.

Can you confirm how you are configuring the camera for WiFi/Ustream? If not using pcma-console, can you use the 'wifi' and 'stream' commands to see if there's a setting we have missed.

Novex commented 6 years ago

Yeah I have a feeling they might have a different version of the ustream.apk which behaves differently to ours.

For our version, I managed to get mine working! We need to respond to the initial startPublish and callModule messages from the camera with broadcastStarted and recordStarted messages respectively.

I've hacked them into nginx-rtmp-module and they seem to work, though stopping the stream still hangs the camera. I suspect it's waiting on recordReady and recordSaved messages.

Also in case anyone was wondering, these are the video format details (which can be set with the pmca-console):

videoFormat resolution video bitrate audio bitrate fps
1 640x360 ~565 kbps 128 kbps 30
3 1280x720 ~2.7 mbps ~140 kbps 30

edit: regarding those bitrates as well, it looks like the livestream encoder is a bit of a potato :anguished: I did some brief testing of the x3000 at 2.7mbit vs. a samsung s7 at 2.5mbit and the x3000 looks noticeably worse, especially with any kind of movement.

Both were handheld, I know there's a FOV difference but I see a lot more artifacts in the x3000 image, especially around vertical lines (eg. the white power cords on the walls and the bricks).

x3000: image

s7: image

Novex commented 6 years ago

@mungewell after all that I noticed the enableRecordMode field in the settings returned from pmca-console stream - is that set to 0 or 1 for you?

Mine is set to 1, and I have a sneaky feeling that maybe if you set it to 0 the camera might not wait for those messages and this might work with @transelement's build.

mungewell commented 6 years ago

Regarding the streaming config for the camera, 'stream.cfg' is included in the 'settings.tar' file above. I do have recording enabled.


I will double check whether this is what's stopping my camera from stream video. As simple as editing the file and using 'pcma-console stream -w stream.cfg'...

I'll also see if I can find time to build the module with your additional patch.

Thanks, Simon.

mungewell commented 6 years ago

Grrr.... GitHub. How do you pull a patch/diff file from the WebUI (ie. without pulling the whole repo via git)????

mungewell commented 6 years ago

Stepping aside for a question; which cameras that Tweak could support actually support the UStream live streaming.

I know we have: FDR-X1000V / FDR-X3000 /HDR-AS50 / HDR-AS100V / HDR-AS200V / HDR-AS300 / HDR-AZ1 -

Any others? Can the "UStream.apk" be loaded onto others (a5000 for example)?

mungewell commented 6 years ago

@Novex Your guess about 'record' was correct. When I disabled this I got RTMP video/audio packets, but I couldn't view them (probably me not knowing what I doing).

I also built the rtmp module with both patches, and that worked with 'record' enabled.

Novex commented 6 years ago

I'm sure you already got it, you can add .diff to a commit/branch compare url to get a diff from the web ui.

I have a feeling only the later Android 4.1 cameras would support the ustream.apk. I have an older NEX-5R here on Android 2.3.7, I tried installing it, but just got the following output:

C:\Users\Seb\Downloads>pmca-console-v0.16-win.exe install -f ustream.apk
Using drivers Windows-MSC, Windows-MTP
Looking for Sony devices

Querying MTP device
Sony Corporation NEX-5R is a camera in app install mode

Starting task
Starting communication
Uploading 0%
Uploading 100%
Downloading 16%
Downloading 33%
Downloading 49%
Downloading 66%
Downloading 83%
Downloading 99%
Downloading 100%
Installing 0%
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\projects\sony-pmca-re\", line 91, in <module>
  File "C:\projects\sony-pmca-re\", line 69, in main
  File "C:\projects\sony-pmca-re\pmca\commands\", line 256, in installCommand
  File "C:\projects\sony-pmca-re\pmca\commands\", line 76, in installApp
Exception: Communication error 100: Error completed
[13208] Failed to execute script pmca-console

Glad you got it going! To view the stream I used VLC, click Media -> Open Network Stream and connect to your rtmp:// endpoint. I'm curious if you're seeing the same kind of artifacts.

mungewell commented 6 years ago

That diff trick is neat; I just pulled the repo and built the modified '.deb' package (above).

Were you using my 'nginx.conf' file? Maybe it's broken, Totally willing to admit I'm a Noob wrt nginx :-)

I was using 'rtmpdump' and 'vlc', both with 'rtmp://' - neither gave any data, VLC just showed the progress bar bouncing left/right. Wondering whether RTMP/video stream can be extracted from the PCAP (above).

mungewell commented 6 years ago

I tried again to view stream with rtmpdump and vlc - still just sits with no data delivered.

I was able to decode something out of the pcap file.... but not video

simon@thevoid:~$ tcpdump tcp dst port 1935 -w out.pcap -r working_record_tcpdump.pcap 
reading from file working_record_tcpdump.pcap, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
simon@thevoid:~$ tcpflow -T out.rtmp -r out.pcap
simon@thevoid:~$ python3 ~/Downloads/ out.rtmp
[INFO] Reading from 'out.rtmp'
[DEBUG] Server uptime: 21d 19h 50m 10.419s, version:
[DEBUG] New chunk stream 3
[INFO] Stream 0 AMF0 command: ['connect', 1.0, {'app': 'ustreamVideo/12345678', 'flashVer': 'LNX 9,0,124,0', 'swfUrl': '', 'tcUrl': 'rtmp://', 'capabilities': 1.0, 'audioCodecs': 1143.0, 'videoCodecs': 252.0, 'videoFunction': 1.0, 'pageUrl': '', 'objectEncoding': 0.0, 'fpad': False}, {'deviceType': 'camcorder', 'phoneType': 'HDR-AS100V', 'deviceOS': 'Linux', 'appId': 110.0, 'appFlavor': 1.0, 'appVersion': 1.0, 'brandId': 1.0, 'buildNumber': '30dd916', 'rpin': '0.5142c1a531d9ba74bc85a5f20ff55c8ed4fa68cd', 'type': 'broadcaster', 'streamNamePrefix': '6498', 'macId': 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'macNonce': '0:x14dautkfl', 'macSig': '9SmAEGLXn9KqyXBcF86hT97O8eA='}]
[DEBUG] New chunk stream 2
[WARNING] Missing timestamp, assuming 0
[WARNING] Missing stream id, assuming 1
[INFO] Set chunk size 1024
[INFO] Stream 0 AMF0 command: ['createStream', 2.0, None]
[ERROR] Error processing 'out.rtmp'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/simon/Downloads/", line 22, in main
    convert_file(fn, args)
  File "/home/simon/Downloads/", line 59, in convert_file
    for m in read_rtmp_messages(f, args.chunksize):
  File "/home/simon/Downloads/", line 159, in read_rtmp_messages
    eventtype, val = struct.unpack('>HI', data)
struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 6 bytes
mungewell commented 6 years ago

Ping. Anyone else having success with streaming to their own PC?

This might become a hotter topic, as uStream is stopping its 'free to use' accounts:

wsop commented 6 years ago

how can i try with a7s ?

MakarkinPRO commented 6 years ago

Is it any step by step to steaming to: 1) Any rtmp like youtube, facebook via WiFi 2) To my local nginx\obs server via WiFi thx

kirashi3 commented 6 years ago

@mungewell and @Novex -- you guys are both doing GREAT work at reverse engineering the uStreaming functionality for Sony cameras, which is especially important now that uStream is owned by IBM and thus won't have a free or even paid consumer-facing tier. (They're really going all corporate...)

I'm tech savvy enough to unlock smartphone bootloaders and flash custom ROM's / pull logcats on Android phones, but haven't dabbled with camera hacks beyond using the CHDK and MagicLantern firmware modifications on Canon cameras. Right now, I get a similar error when trying to install the OpenMemories-Tweak on my HDR-AS50 ActionCam, so I'm sure I'm just missing something small...

I'd be more than happy to help test streaming and provide feedback / logs as you guys continue development on this though - just need a little pointing in the right direction as to what you need from me to test streaming from my camera, if you want the assistance, that is. 😃

Seb0PL commented 6 years ago

I'll be happy to try this with FDR-X1000V :sunglasses:

I would love to stream to YouTobe or Facebook directly :movie_camera:

Is it in your scope to provide user friendly guide on how to set this up? If you wish I might help you with testing :nerd_face:

gaston908 commented 5 years ago

Hey @kirashi3 did you ever to make any progress streaming from your HDR-AS50 ActionCam to anything other than Ustream? Can anyone else shed any light on this?

Thanks all!

LucaLanziani commented 5 years ago

If you guys are still looking at this I've created a sort of "all in one" solution for this problem

NOTE: still work in progress, it works for me ;)

mungewell commented 5 years ago

@LucaLanziani I assume that you already had your camera set up with uStream... Did you confirm that a user can connect with 'fake' credentials?

Earlier in this bug I noted I had patched the tools to write streaming settings to camera (ie without using Sony's tools or needing a real uStream account).

If so, I can rebase and try a pull request...

Dehtiarov commented 5 years ago

If you guys are still looking at this I've created a sort of "all in one" solution for this problem

NOTE: still work in progress, it works for me ;)

2018-12-30 00:25:54 10396 [INFO] Node Media Server v1.4.7 dnsproxy:info we are up and listening at on 53 +0ms 2018-12-30 00:25:54 10396 [INFO] Node Media Rtmp Server started on port: 1935 Server listening at 2018-12-30 00:25:54 10396 [INFO] There is a new version 1.4.9 that can be updated 2018-12-30 00:26:24 10396 [INFO] [rtmp connect] id=0LCOQ0AA ip=::ffff: app=23614434 args={"app":"23614434","flashVer":"LNX 9,0,124,0","swfUrl":"","tcUrl":"rtmp://","capabilities":1,"audioCodecs":1143,"videoCodecs":252,"videoFunction":1,"pageUrl":"","objectEncoding":0,"fpad":false} 2018-12-30 00:26:24 10396 [INFO] [rtmp publish] New stream. id=0LCOQ0AA streamPath=/23614434/broadcaster/live7659 streamId=1 2018-12-30 00:26:24 10396 [ERROR] Unknown command { cmd: 'startPublish' } 2018-12-30 00:26:24 10396 [ERROR] Unknown command { cmd: 'callModule' }

LucaLanziani commented 5 years ago

@LucaLanziani I assume that you already had your camera set up with uStream... Did you confirm that a user can connect with 'fake' credentials?

Earlier in this bug I noted I had patched the tools to write streaming settings to camera (ie without using Sony's tools or needing a real uStream account).

If so, I can rebase and try a pull request...

@mungewell yes, I've created a temporary account on uStream to run that. It would be awesome if it would be possible to change the stream endpoint so we can forget about the DNS spoofing part, let me know if I can help somehow on that.

LucaLanziani commented 5 years ago

@Dehtiarov sorry but I'll need more details about the problem if you want me to address it, I've added the code to handle those commands here and I've got confirmation that it is working for someone else too.

Dehtiarov commented 5 years ago


Hi, in your Sony x3000 can you select in Action Cam Movie Creator properties USTREAM resolution higher than 1280*720 ?

Memorystack16 commented 5 years ago

Hi, is there a way to get a guide with steps by steps? i'm just asking cause i got a bit lost in the guide posted at anyone got a video or more in depth guide?


dloprios97 commented 5 years ago

@LucaLanziani Hi man. My question is how do I turn my computer into a DNS server?

LucaLanziani commented 5 years ago

@dloprios97 did you check this section of the readme?

dloprios97 commented 5 years ago

@LucaLanziani yeah. But that is the only step? What about the second one set your router to use your local computer as dns server? I've done everything but have no idea how to get the live number. Sorry, I'm a newbie on this, but willing to test it out!

Novex commented 5 years ago

I finally got around to taking a look at the ustream app - after a bit more assembly than I would have liked I've got a super buggy, basic, app that can work with the launcher to stream to (somewhat) arbitrary RTMP endpoints for 20 seconds at a time.

You can find it at

That's the good news. The bad news is that the quality is still shocking and I haven't found a way to improve it. Everything in the java code that looks like it will change things either has no effect or causes a crash (and I'm still pretty green reversing the lower-level binaries).

Mostly, I'm hoping this makes it easier for others to start experimenting so we can determine if it's possible to get usable video quality out of the camera, then put the time into making it stable and user friendly.

wesley9946 commented 5 years ago

Will it be possible to live stream from a HDR-CX450 to Youtube or something like an RTSP URL?

Remboooo commented 4 years ago

You guys are geniuses, using the different elements in this thread I got my (new, never connected to uStream) FDR-AX53 streaming to Twitch (or YouTube, or whichever service accepts RTMP streams) over WiFi. First order of business: getting the 'live stream' option to be enabled in the cam. The tools from Sony to log in to uStream don't work any more; the login dialog redirects you to IBMid login and from there it appears to work but doesn't log in. And the 'live stream' option in the cam stays disabled. And, of course Sony's support directed me to IBM support, and IBM support directed me back to Sony support (as I 100% expected).

So, I used @mungewell 's modified at to get some (dummy) credentials in the camera. My stream.cfg:

        "Live Streaming from Handycam by Sony"
        "Live Streaming from Handycam by Sony"

of course first install the python dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt, then python stream -w stream.cfg. This errored out 9/10 times but it worked once, which is all I needed. I'm not 100% sure but I think it's important that the macIssueTime is fairly recent; a timestamp from 3 years ago didn't seem to work. This is just a little-endian unix timestamp in hex format.

With that, the 'live streaming' option in the cam was enabled, but obviously it didn't work yet. I got to work setting up dnsmasq on my network with an entry in /etc/hosts that pointed to my server. Now I could see in my nginx access logs that the camera was requesting /users/self/channels.json?detail_level=broadcaster. So I got to work setting up a webserver serving with a static /users/self/channels.json: {"channels":{"12345678":{"broadcast_urls":["rtmp://"]}}} Adding the following nginx configuration to serve it:

server {
    listen 80;

    error_log /var/log/nginx/ustream-error.log;
    access_log /var/log/nginx/ustream-access.log;

    location / {
        root /var/www/ustream/;

and placing the channels.json in /var/www/ustream/users/self (making sure user www-data can access it).

Next up is the RTMP part. First I tried the Debian package libnginx-mod-rtmp, but this only works for ~40 second intervals at a time before the camera reconnects. This is the behaviour described earlier in this thread and @transelement fixed with his mod-rtmp patch -- you are a genius and a scholar! So I got to work de-installing libnginx-mod-rtmp and in stead compiling using the guide at . I copied the resulting to /etc/nginx/modules-available (I'm sure that's not the proper place for it, but it's fine..) Then I plopped in the following config in /etc/nginx/modules-enabled (NOT sites-enabled, it will complain about the rtmp directive not being allowed there, which is because all the files inside sites-enabled end up inside an http section in the config!):

load_module /etc/nginx/modules-available/;

rtmp {
    access_log /var/log/nginx/ustream-rtmp-access.log;

    server {
        listen 1935;
        chunk_size 65536;
        max_message 5M;
        ping 20s;
        ping_timeout 36000s;
        force_ping on;

        application mystream {
            live on;
            meta off;

            push rtmp://;

            recorder all {
                record all;
                record_path /var/rtmp;
                record_unique on;

I'm not sure what combination of magic values gave me a glitch-free stream in the end, but this config works to get a perfectly stable stream!

sysadminpower2019 commented 3 years ago


has there been a solution to this?

SirYogiWan commented 3 years ago

So now I just need to find someone who knows what they're doing with coding, to tell me wtf I do with all this lol.

gaston908 commented 3 years ago

Congrats, wish there was a thread for noobs. Been trying for a year to get mine streaming with no luck !

On Fri, 11 Sep 2020, 15:39 Rembrand van Lakwijk, wrote:

You guys are geniuses, using the different elements in this thread I got my (new, never connected to uStream) FDR-AX53 streaming to Twitch over WiFi. First order of business: getting the 'live stream' option to be enabled in the cam. The tools from Sony to log in to uStream don't work any more; the login dialog redirects you to IBMid login and from there it appears to work but doesn't log in. And the 'live stream' option in the cam stays disabled. And, of course Sony's support directed me to IBM support, and IBM support directed me back to Sony support (as I 100% expected).

So, I used @mungewell 's modified at to get some (dummy) credentials in the camera. My stream.cfg:

[ [ "twitterEnabled", 0 ], [ "twitterConsumerKey", "" ], [ "twitterConsumerSecret", "" ], [ "twitterAccessToken1", "" ], [ "twitterAccessTokenSecret", "" ], [ "twitterMessage", "Live Streaming from Handycam by Sony" ], [ "facebookEnabled", 0 ], [ "facebookAccessToken", "" ], [ "facebookMessage", "Live Streaming from Handycam by Sony" ], [ "service", 0 ], [ "enabled", 1 ], [ "macId", "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" ], [ "macSecret", "123456789012345678901234567890123467890" ], [ "macIssueTime", "a9315a5f00000000" ], [ "unknown", 1 ], [ "channels", [ 12345678 ] ], [ "shortURL", "" ], [ "videoFormat", 3 ], [ "supportedFormats", [ 1, 3 ] ], [ "enableRecordMode", 0 ], [ "videoTitle", "Test" ], [ "videoDescription", "Test" ], [ "videoTag", "Test" ] ]

of course first install the python dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt, then python stream -w stream.cfg. This errored out 9/10 times but it worked once, which is all I needed. I'm not 100% sure but I think it's important that the macIssueTime is fairly recent; a timestamp from 3 years ago didn't seem to work. This is just a little-endian unix timestamp in hex format.

With that, the 'live streaming' option in the cam was enabled, but obviously it didn't work yet. I got to work setting up dnsmasq on my network with an entry in /etc/hosts that pointed to my server. Now I could see in my nginx access logs that the camera was requesting /users/self/channels.json?detail_level=broadcaster. So I got to work setting up a webserver serving with a static /users/self/channels.json: {"channels":{"12345678":{"broadcast_urls":["rtmp:// "]}}} Adding the following nginx configuration to serve it:

server { listen 80; server_name;

error_log /var/log/nginx/ustream-error.log; access_log /var/log/nginx/ustream-access.log;

location / { root /var/www/ustream/; } }

and placing the channels.json in /var/www/ustream/users/self (making sure user www-data can access it).

Next up is the RTMP part. First I tried the Debian package libnginx-mod-rtmp, but this only works for ~40 second intervals at a time before the camera reconnects. This is the behaviour described earlier in this thread and @transelement fixed with his mod-rtmp patch -- you are a genius and a scholar! So I got to work de-installing libnginx-mod-rtmp and in stead compiling transelement/nginx-rtmp-module@1621639 using the guide at . I copied the resulting to /etc/nginx/modules-available (I'm sure that's not the proper place for it, but it's fine..) Then I plopped in the following config in /etc/nginx/modules-enabled (NOT sites-enabled, it will complain about the rtmp directive not being allowed there, which is because all the files inside sites-enabled end up inside an http section in the config!):

load_module /etc/nginx/modules-available/;

rtmp { access_log /var/log/nginx/ustream-rtmp-access.log;

server { listen 1935; chunk_size 65536; max_message 5M; ping 20s; ping_timeout 36000s; force_ping on;

  application remenmarleen {
      live on;
      meta off;

      push rtmp://;

      recorder all {
          record all;
          record_path /var/rtmp;
          record_unique on;

} }

I'm not sure what combination of magic values gave me a glitch-free stream in the end, but this config works to get a perfectly stable stream!

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Memorystack16 commented 3 years ago

Is there any video on the different steps? Man im'a try to do it but this is way above my lvl of magical coding power

Palmeza commented 2 years ago

Hello, this solution can be used with OSB Studio? Thank

chiburek commented 2 years ago

Can someone help me to configure the access point for live streaming? I get the error "NO AP". Streaming doesn't seem to work on the Multi Wifi configuration and Sony's software is no longer available for download.