mabels / s3-autoindex

S3 Autoindex Gateway
Apache License 2.0
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s3-autoindex s3-bucket webserver

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Serve the contents of a S3 bucket (private or public) over HTTP.

$ npm install -g s3-autoindex
$ s3-autoindex --key $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --secret $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET --bucket my-s3-bucket --port 9101
Serving my-s3-bucket on port 9101

S3 Autoindex is a proxy server which streams resources from an S3 bucket over HTTP. For example, in the example above, a request for "http://localhost:9101/index.html" would return the contents of "index.html" in the "my-s3-bucket", regardless of whether it's private or not (so long as the key provided has access).
