Closed ohcibi closed 10 years ago
applying for a team meeting at 12 o’clock (or earlier if possible) in front of Essensausgabe Süd or in the Wanne TOP 1: Präse The planned meeting after the lecture is not affected by this.
Sure, but are you sure this will be enough time?
Confirmed by:
Earlier would be better of course (I have my cs exercise right before the lecture, but no obligation to attend).
Me too, I'm just thinking if there is anything we could do right now
Well I think we should merge some stuff.. I'm trying to add the background image now. And I'm not sure if it's just my branch (should be, because there the Mapwindow is not an own stage anymore), but as you don't see the whole map anymore in The Playground, you don't see all penguins, they can spawn in the area not shown, that's not.. cool
Yeah, fxmltry2
looks very nice, but the map not being shown completely is not acceptable for the presentation. I’d say we just use M5
or 7288c9b4d98cf53104a5344ee3f373328059afae (contains some minor bug fixes), I don’t want to run into bugs which might have been introduced on the other branches, which haven’t been tested so much.
Okay - too bad that some things won't be pretty then, like the game over screen, but at least the game works
That's a good point there :/ So we are just going to split up, who takes over which part of the presentation, right?
In that case, 30min would be enouth, right?
For spliting up: pretty sure For preparing ourselves: maybe
So the basic contents of the Präse are these:
@ohcibi How much time do we have?
Would present the organisation part.
I guess my part is GUI but without the changes of the last days it's not really spectacular
Max 10 min
Ich fände es gut, wenn ihr bei eurer Präse morgen auch kurz darauf eingeht, wie ihr euch organisiert habt (das Spiel steht aber immernoch im Vordergrund), z.b. dass ihr euch hauptsächlich über die Github-Issues Aufgaben zuteilt bzw. auf Probleme/Bugs aufmerksam macht und euch zusätzlich regelmäßig in persona trefft um gewisse Dinge zu besprechen.