machour / yii2-notifications

A complete notifications module for your Yii 2 powered application
MIT License
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Adding ability to duplicate notification if needed. #24

Closed Stunc0 closed 8 years ago

Stunc0 commented 8 years ago

Allows the module to have duplicated notifications (user_id, key, key_id)

Example : If i have workflow validation on a model. We have to notify concerned users. If the object is refused, another notification will be created and assign to the object creator. After modify the object to be in phase with the validation, he will ask for a new validation on the same object. In this case the notification will be the same as the first one. The module as is actually done does not permit the behavior... So i propose an update that allows it. We just have to specify in the config if we want to allow duplicate notification.


machour commented 8 years ago

Thanks. Renamed the config parameter to allowDuplicate :

Stunc0 commented 8 years ago

thanks !