machty / emblem-brunch

Emblem.js for
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Error on compile in Emblem-Brunch #5

Open jjsandee opened 11 years ago

jjsandee commented 11 years ago

I'm trying to get emblem-brunch to work but getting a weird error:

TypeError: Object object has no method 'run' at EmblemCompiler.module.exports.EmblemCompiler.setup (E:\node_modules\emblem-brunch\lib\index.js:27:21) at new EmblemCompiler (E:\node_modul es\emblem-brunch\lib\index.js:43:14)

If I use the example I get error on watch that the emblem files aren't compiling because files.templates.paths isn't defined.

Which I've set up as follows resulting in the first error: (using brunch-with-hampsters) templates: precompile: true root: 'app/templates' joinTo: 'javascripts/app.js' : /^app/ defaultExtension: 'emblem' paths:

If you don't specify jquery and ember there,

    # raw (non-Emberized) Handlebars templates will be compiled.
    jquery: 'vendor/scripts/jquery-1.9.0.min.js'
    ember: 'vendor/scripts/ember-latest.js'
    handlebars: 'vendor/scripts/handlebars-1.0.rc.3.js'
    emblem: 'vendor/scripts/emblem.js'

(if I don't add it I get the compile errors)

And the proper reference as per the documentation in the package file.

Now I'm guessing the .run method is supposed to be declared elsewhere. But I'm having trouble finding what's causing it.

Am I getting the implementation wrong somewhere?

fleadope commented 11 years ago
