maciakl / vim-neatstatus

Neat Status Line Plugin for Vim
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Neat Status Line


Yet another status line plugin. The aim of Neat Status is to provide neat, and simple UI with just basic information and no bells and whistles for those users who consider things like Powerline to be overkill.

Neat Status is loosely based on the status line script created by Tomas Restrepo. The original can be seen here:

The basic idea is roughly the same, but the script was heavily modified and made more customizable and modular to work better as a plugin rather than just a .vimrc snippet.

Note: this is not a drop-in replacement for Powerline but rather a much simpler and streamlined plugin. The aim of the project is not to achieve one to one feature compatibility but merely to implement a narrow subset of said features for users who want something simple and easy. If you would like a robust, feature-full Powerline replacement you should check out Vim-Airline.


Here is how this status line will look in Gvim on Windows with the Solarized color scheme:

Neat Statusline

Information provided from left to right:


To install with Pathogen:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://

If your .vim is under source control with Git do this instead:

cd ~/.vim
git submodule add git:// bundle/vim-neatstatus
git submodule init
git submodule update

Installing without pathogen:


You can configure the colors of the status line elements by defining the following global vars in your .vimrc:

Make sure you define values both for graphical and terminal clients when you do this. Here is a quick example that shows you hot to redefine the insert mode colors:

let g:NeatStatusLine_color_insert = 'guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff0000 gui=bold ctermfg=15 ctermbg=9 cterm=bold'

Note that these only affect the small boxes created by NeatStatus. Your status line will remain the default color as per your color scheme. This works very well if you also happen to use the Obvious-Mode plugin.

If you want to style your status line, you can do it in your .vimrc normally using the hi StatusLine and hi StatusLineNC commands.

You can also change the separator character that divides the boxes by changing:

By default the separator is set to the pipe | character. You can disable the separator by setting it to empty string.