mactso / SpawnerInLight

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Config File doesn't include Amount of Spawns (?) #6

Closed nwarshawsky closed 2 years ago

nwarshawsky commented 2 years ago

As in title, I can't find the location of the formula that allows you to change the number of spawns before the spawner breaks.

Below is whats in the file:

["Spawners Spawn in Light Control Values"]

Debug Level: 0 = Off, 1 = Log, 2 = Chat+Log

#Range: 0 ~ 2
debugLevel = 0
#0 = chat messages on, 1 = chat messages off.
#Range: 0 ~ 1
spawnerTextOff = 1
#Chance to destroy light sources in range (0-100%)
#Range: 0 ~ 100
destroyLightPercentage = 100
#Range of light source destruction in blocks (1-7)
#Range: 1 ~ 7
destroyLightRange = 5
#Spawner Break Speed Modifier: 0 = Off, 1 = 50% slower, 2-11 times slower
#Range: 0 ~ 11
spawnerBreakSpeedMultiplier = 8
#Spawner Revenge Level: 0 = Off, Over 1 spawner takes revenge on player.
#Range: 0 ~ 11
spawnerRevengeLevel = 1
#Explode percentage when Spawners Break
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
spawnersExplodePercentage = 33.0

["No Break Mobs Values 6464"]

Trail Block String 6464

defaultNoBreakMobsActual = "harderspawners:default,0.2;minecraft:pig,0.0;minecraft:cow,0.0;minecraft:sheep,0.0;minecraft:parrot,0.0;minecraft:blaze,0.0;"
mactso commented 2 years ago

This is the section: ["No Break Mobs Values 6464"]

Trail Block String 6464

defaultNoBreakMobsActual = "harderspawners:default,0.2;minecraft:pig,0.0;minecraft:cow,0.0;minecraft:sheep,0.0;minecraft:parrot,0.0;minecraft:blaze,0.0;"

This is the percentage chance it will break on one spawn. The default is 0.2% per spawn. The failure odds for pigs, cows, and blazes is 0.0% ( no failure)

If you set it at 1%, it will fail after about 50 spawns. At 0.2% it will fail after about 250 spawns. But it's random- so it could fail sooner or later.

Hope this helps!
