madMAx43v3r / chia-gigahorse

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Harvester setup confirmation or concern #298

Open dub3114 opened 3 months ago

dub3114 commented 3 months ago

I currently have a HPz840 with 512gb RAM and a Nvidia 3090 farming 16846 plots with various compression levels. I have setup another harvester to feed the additional 6681 plots of C29 and C30 through my HPz840. I am curious as to why the Harvester with a 3070TI is not being utilized when sending the plots to my HPz840? See snapshot. Did I do something wrong or is it working? If further details are needed, please let me know.

I am running the latest GH 2.2.1giga35

Screenshot 2024-04-04 083131

dub3114 commented 3 months ago

I am showing plots passing the filter, see screenshot. Screenshot 2024-04-04 134756

madMAx43v3r commented 3 months ago

You need to run a local chia_recompute_server and add localhost to CHIAPOS_RECOMPUTE_HOST=IP1,localhost

dub3114 commented 2 months ago

Capture2 Capture My full node is fully synced and now my main harvester's GPU 3090 is not coming on. What do you need to see for me to show you what is going on? Additionally, I am able to make plots with the 3090, but like above when I was having the problem with the 3070TI not working when harvesting. please help

madMAx43v3r commented 2 months ago

It seems you used a different PlotNFT than what the farmer has available?

dub3114 commented 2 months ago

What is your suggestion on fixing this issue in order to utilize my plots again? How do I get the correct PlotNFT to match my plots?

madMAx43v3r commented 2 months ago

I recommend asking for help on discord, this will probably require a lot of back and forth communication.

dub3114 commented 2 months ago

A Dr. Ooo on discord had a plan and it seemed to work. I appreciate it. Here is what he provided in the event something like this comes up again. "best way to recover a plotnft is stop chia, go to .chia/mainnet/config/config.yaml and near the bottom in the wallet section change connect_to_unknown_peers: false. then go to .chia/mainnet/wallet/db (not mainnet/db) and remove the blockchain_wallet_v2_r1_mainnet_number.sqlite file. then when you start chia it will resync your wallet from your synced full node".