madebysource / lesshat

Smart LESS CSS mixins library.
MIT License
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Future of Less Hat #162

Open petrbrzek opened 9 years ago

petrbrzek commented 9 years ago

Hello everyone,

It’s fantastic that a lot of dev people like and use LessHat in their projects. When I developed this library three years ago, there wasn't any universal Less mixin library, autoprefixer didn’t exist yet, so I created Less Hat to solve the pain with vendor prefixes. But the time has changed and now there are better solutions in my opinion. There is autoprefixer plugin for less (, PostCSS ( and others..

I’m now focusing my effort on developing Avocode (, so I don’t have enough time to continue developing Less Hat. I can fix some of the reported bugs, merge pull requests, but then I won’t develop Less Hat further. I’m open to hand Less Hat to the new maintainer. So if anyone is interested in developing Less Hat just send a message here.

bennycode commented 9 years ago

Hey Petr,

Thank you for your feedback and clarification. I used Less Hat in a couple of web projects (most recently for developing Wire for Web) and it has always been a good companion. Therefore I would like to thank you. As a developer I can understand very well that you have to focus and I will definitely have a look at Avocode. :smiley: As a Less Hat successor PostCSS seems to be a good choice but time will tell...

So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish


MarkRabey commented 9 years ago

While I haven't used Lesshat for a project yet, it looks great, and I came here with the intention of both using it, and contributing to it. I'm uncertain of the time commitment required to maintain such a project, so I may not be the best choice, however I am willing to consider it. Or, at the very least, work with whoever does take it on.

I can certainly try maintaining it though!

mboudreau commented 8 years ago

I wouldn't mind contributing/taking it over. I think there's a lot of community involvement and all that's needed is a better automated system release new versions. I already have that working with travis, but it would need some update on the dev stack dependency. I've already been added as a contributor, so I'm hoping I can start pulling some of these changes people has contributed and release them straight away.