madslundt / docker-cloud-media-scripts

Upload and stream media from the cloud with or without encryption. Cache all new and recently streamed media locally to access quickly and reduce API calls
MIT License
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Enhancement: Automatic re-mount of rclone and Fake Cache Option #30

Open inject00r opened 6 years ago

inject00r commented 6 years ago

Hi Mads,

The Docker container loses from time to time the mount of the cloud folder. Could you add a routine that checks if the cloud is still mounted and if not remount it automatically? In addition to that a docker exec command would be also beneficial. "docker exec cms remount"

When you lose the mount, all services which are connected to it loses the content database. Plex/sonarr for example need to rescan the entire database to check if all files are available again to work properly. Wouldn't it be possible to generate a fake cache structure?

Cheers C

Nomuas commented 6 years ago

Launch mount command via cron ? docker exec cms mount

GottZ commented 6 years ago

wouldn't solve the problem would it? it's about the file structure. every time you loose connection (for example if you run this behind a dynamic ip) this issue can happen. for some people that happens once every 24 hours depending on the country