I'm trying to use Add-MtTestResultDetail to add details from a custom test, but unfortunately it's not working as documented.
I have 3 files in the "custom" folder, all with the same name, a .ps1, .Tests.ps1 and a .md
The test runs as expected and produces the overall status of the test.
I based the logic of the test on your existing tests and used the same logic to add the test details.
These are the files:
function Find-RSYUsersMissingManagers {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '', Justification = 'Exists is not a plurality')]
# Retrieve all users from Microsoft Graph
$users = Get-MgUser -All
# Initialize an array to track users without a manager
$usersWithoutManager = @()
$result = $true
# Loop through each user and ensure they have a manager assigned
foreach ($user in $users) {
# Fetch the manager for the current user
$manager = Get-MgUserManager -UserId $user.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($manager)) {
$result = $false
$usersWithoutManager += [PSCustomObject]@{
DisplayName = $user.DisplayName
UserPrincipalName = $user.UserPrincipalName
if ($result -eq $false) {
$TestResults = "There were no users with out Managers assigned. Well Done! :raised_hands:"
else {
$TestResults += "Could find managers on:`n`n"
foreach ($u in $usersWithoutManager) {
$TestResults += "- User: $($u.DisplayName) | UPN $($u.UserPrincipalName). :cry:`n"
Add-MtTestResultDetail -TestName "Manager Attribute: All users should have a manager attribute set" -Result $TestResults
return $result
BeforeAll {
. $PSScriptRoot/Find-RSYUsersMissingManagers.ps1
Describe "Rothesay" -Tag "Entra", "CustomTests", "AttributeTest" {
It "Manager Attribute: All users should have a manager attribute set" {
$result = Find-RSYUsersMissingManagers
$result | Should -Be $true -Because "All users should have an assigned Manager"
### This test checks if there are any users without a manager assigned.
##### Custom Rothesay Test
<!--- Results --->
Any help would be appreciated and thank you for creating an amazing utility.
Hey all,
I'm trying to use Add-MtTestResultDetail to add details from a custom test, but unfortunately it's not working as documented.
I have 3 files in the "custom" folder, all with the same name, a .ps1, .Tests.ps1 and a .md
The test runs as expected and produces the overall status of the test. I based the logic of the test on your existing tests and used the same logic to add the test details.
These are the files: .ps1
Any help would be appreciated and thank you for creating an amazing utility.