magento / meta-for-magento2

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Impossible to process constructor argument Parameter #3 [ <required> Meta\Catalog\Helper\Product\Identifier $productIdentifier ] of Meta\Sales\Model\Mapper\OrderItemMapper class es not exist #36

Open milch-shake opened 8 months ago

milch-shake commented 8 months ago

As soon as I want to install the extention, I get the following error message:

Magento 2.4.6 - Fresh Install

Impossible to process constructor argument Parameter #3 [ Meta\Catalog\Helper\Product\Identifier $productIdentifier ] of Meta\Sales\Model\Mapper\OrderItemMapper class

In GetParameterClassTrait.php line 34: Class "Meta\Catalog\Helper\Product\Identifier" does not exist

sol-loup commented 1 month ago

Hey @milch-shake -- we've pushed several updates to the extension since then, and are now on 1.3.1 -- can you confirm whether this is still an issue for you on latest?